What is 4H? Do you have precise follow-ups
Posted 2011-January-24, 22:42
NB (NB) 4♥
What does this mean?
What shapes are permissible for responder?
What do you expect opener to do now with various hands?
Does this change in a weak no trump or four-card major structure?
One further not for us it was almost impossible for responder to have 4+ clubs since we can fit jump over 1♥.
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2011-January-25, 07:51

Two possibilities comes into my mind, prd has some kind of a three suiter in his hand and if u r sure he dont have 4 clubs, my guess he has 3 of them; 5-0-5-3 perhaps also 4-1-5-3 is possible, but then S r good and prd has plenty of side tricks ( of course 5-1-4-3 is an option).
Second option is that 4H is an auto splinter; then he has powerful one suiter in spades or 2 suiter with S and D; again if u r sure he dont have 4C, in this case his H stopper can also be an ace not singleton or void.
In case of weak Nt u prd knows u dont have weak balanced hand, four card majors...not sure, dont think so.
I would not bother my little head about the question what prd has; this is a kind of a headache convention bid; show me yours i`ll show mine later. Question is what do u bid now, S is first option if u have 3 or more of them, seconly D if u have 4 or more of them, and finally C if options 1 or 2 r inavailable. What would 4Nt be in here, natural i guess.
As long as i dont have to be Sherlock Holmes, im happy to be just Watson

Posted 2011-January-25, 21:58
If you exclude a club fit, then it's almost certainly a strong hand with spades with shortage in hearts [5H would be a strong hand with spades with no shortage].
This is awkward for opener though - he has no idea which shape he's facing. If he has a suitable hand he can bid 4NT asking regular aces (no suit agreed), sign off in 6 clubs and responder corrects [a little dangerous as responder may think opener has a boatload of clubs]. Otherwise I suggest he just bids 4S or 5C depending on how many spades he has.
Posted 2011-January-25, 23:23
Posted 2011-January-26, 00:21
Posted 2011-January-26, 11:24
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-January-26, 11:41
AKxxxx Axx x AQx ?
KQJTx xxx x AJxx with this ? Another huge hand due to xxx ♥
Why is it strictly dedicated to ♥ splinter or self sufficient big ♠ hands only ?
Perhaps some may suggest DBL of 3♥ but its not hard to sense the double fit for both sides if we held that hand.
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2011-January-26, 12:13
In some partnerships KQJTx xxx x AJxx would have made a fit jump, but if that isn't available I agree that 4♥ ought to include this sort of hand - double is already quite overloaded.
I prefer to avoid this problem earlier in the auction, by distinguishing between 4-, 5- and 6-card spade suits immediately over the 1♥ overcall.
Posted 2011-January-26, 18:07
Cascade, on 2011-January-24, 22:42, said:
NB (NB) 4♥
What does this mean?
What shapes are permissible for responder?
What do you expect opener to do now with various hands?
Does this change in a weak no trump or four-card major structure?
One further not for us it was almost impossible for responder to have 4+ clubs since we can fit jump over 1♥.
It could show:
* Spades and clubs, GF values, and heart shortness. For example, Jxxxx, --, AQxx, AQJx. (Responder did not fit-jump since his values are in the minors rather than the blacks)
* Primary spades and secondary clubs and offer COG: KJxxxx, x, AKx, AJx
Posted 2011-January-26, 19:33
.....4N by responder now shows diamonds but willing to hear clubs
5C-clubs only
I would expect that partner's hand is unsuitable for double (short hearts?)
Posted 2011-February-01, 06:04
Cascade, on 2011-January-24, 22:42, said:
NB (NB) 4♥
> What does this mean?
Strong hand, I guess.
> What shapes are permissible for responder?
Since 4♦ would surely have been forcing and 4♣ muddy, I'd say either a bucketload of spades or club support or both.
> What do you expect opener to do now with various hands?
Bid spades if he has 3 of them. Else bid something descriptive. I'd say 4NT should be natural here because opener can hardly have a medium or better hand (15+ hcp).
> Does this change in a weak no trump or four-card major structure?
It means the 4NT bid of above would be off-shape because opener would have doubled 3♥ with the 15-17 balanced hand.
One further not for us it was almost impossible for responder to have 4+ clubs since we can fit jump over 1♥.
All of the above stands, with like a club less to be expected from responder.