I added two specfic forums to this group since I became an administrator. Most recently, the "Bridge poll online" and Bridge-Material Reviews. Others added Junior Bridge and Youth Bridge (I am not entirely sure how those differ). I agree with anthraxx and others that the Beginner/Intermediate forum needs to be an ULTRA-ZERO tolerance posting area. I disagree with the view that more moderators/moderators are necessary everything else.
However, I agree with the view that people post in all sorts of silly places (for what it is worth, I refuse to take any responsibility for Water-Cooler, as I have always wanted this to be bridge-only site. I was over-ruled on that one, and the WC has been very popular.....so of course it stays and my objections were incorrect. But if something bridge related is in there, it is not something I am going to deal with). Here is what my personal thoughts are about the way the forum was originally set up:
General Bridge Discussion was about things without showing any hand at all. This would be the place for arguing over Zar points, blinky points, Banzai points, whether multi 2D should be allowed, is four card majors better than five card majors. Etc. In general, nothing showing a hand should or specific bidding question should be in here.
<H4> SAYC and 2/1 Discussion: This was meant, for discussion of these two "natural bidding system." Hands with a focus on "how would you bid this in SAYC, or 2/1 or what would this BID mean. No play of the hands. This is all about bidding.
Non-Natural System Discussion: This was set up so the Precision, Polish Club, blue club, and other systems could be discussed, developed, etc. With the ability to attach PDF's entire bidding systems could be attached to a discussion. Again, no play of the hand, this is all about bidding and the advantages of a bidding system.
Interesting Bridge Hands: Here, I know there are a lot of Bidding questions, because people are interested in how to bid "this or that" interesting hand. Ideally, such hands should NOT be system based (not how do you bid this in your system--see other forums for that). But rather a generic question. Of course, your backwash squeeze, clever safety play, etc would be well suited for this one. Indeed, all but the simpliest "problem hands" might be posted in this forum. One thing that should NEVER be in this forum is an auction without a shown hand.
Beginner and Intermediate Bridge Discussion: A couple of things are appropriate here. Problems appropriate for this user group are welcome from anyone wanting to post them, and bidding and questions from a beginner/Intermediate are welcomed. Anyone can answer them. These should be routine questions without snide remarks. What is Pearson points? What's the difference between garbage stayman and regular stayman? Why did my partner get mad I bid 3♣? When is Gerber used?
Advanced and Expert-Class Bridge: This is sort of a narrow area, in theory, but not in practice. Bidding stuff can go in any number of earlier forums. Bidding oroblems could be in the interesting hand or this forum. A little history here. In the beginner there was a "gold star forum" (where you had to have a gold star on the BBO gaming site even to SEE the forum, or to post in it). There was also this forum. Basically, the Gold star forum died for lack of use. And the description of this forum "Forum designated for experienced and adept bridge players to discuss more advanced topics" failed to provide enough details. It seems everyone seems to think they are experienced and adept bridge players.
I suspect this forum needs the most help. A lot of people get "angry" when people who assume they meet the "requirements" of this forum post their -- obvious -- uneducated views in this forum. If we ban them from posting here, then of course, we pass judgement on their bridge skills. It is a problem for everyone involved. But while this should be one of the forums with the fewest post, it has the most post. And I think most of the problems people have with the organization of the forum has to do with this situation. I think we should eliminate certain types of post from this forum, and look for ideas on how we should restrict the topics covered here (since advanced/expert could DISCUSS anything, this is more difficult than one might imagine). But we can elininate all Bidding system related question as a start.
Offline Bridge: Here is where thinks like what happened in a tournament need to go. Hands from Off-line bridge can be posted in the bidding, beginner, advanced, or interesting forums. What should go here, might be things like "appeal case #3 from Orlando", that is if you don't want to post it in the law's forums.
BPO - Bridge Poll Online: Was created for the bidding contest we had, and should be reserved for that type of activity. Maybe it needs to be renamed slightly
Bridge Material Review: This one is being used correctly.
Going forward, I recommend the following.
One: Three-or-Four moderators be appointed for the Beginner/Intermediate forum. They will have to power to edit/prune inappropriate content with regards to "unfriendly" responses. No time table for this, assuming it seems reasonable.
Two: When ever reasonable, information in the wrong forum will be moved. "when ever possible" is a relative, as moving post is somewhat time consuming and suggest moderators read all post or even log in everyday. This is not the case. That is why the report a post button works. There is now an alert to moderators when a post is reported that is, quite frankly, hard to ignore.
Three: Other than new moderators for the Beginner/Intermediate forum, new moderators are not going to be picked, and certainly, no need to "nominate anyone". People could volunteer of course, no promise such action will be taken seriously.