Gwnn: Most forms of scoring (MPs, IMPs, Butler etc) don't take into account of who made it so the table didn't get the par result. It can just as easily be that declarer has done something brilliant, or a combination of both. I'll just post 1 (made up) hand for argument sake:
Let's say everyone leads a heart, doesn't give anything away.
Hope I haven't messed this up too bad. But lets see 3 lines, 1 normal, 1 "double dummy" and 1 "silly"
Normal: Win the lead in hand and run the ♦9 (catering for Kx(x) or JTx onside), it loses to the stiff K, declarer wins the heart return in dummy, cashes the ♦A finding the 4-1 break. He then finesses clubs out of necessity and cashes the ♣A, spade to the Ace and cashes the ♣A throwing a diamond. Declarer now needs 3-3 spades or a ♦+♠ squeeze and when neither materialises, down one.
Double Dummy: Again, declarer wins the ♥ lead in hand, and plays a small diamond to the ace dropping the stiff K. He then plays a club to the jack and ducks a diamond. He wins the ♥ return in hand, cashes the ♣A and finesses diamonds (West only has 1 diamond honour left). When the diamond is won in dummy, cash the ♣A throwing the losing ♠. Contract made.
Silly: Again, the lead is won in hand, but declarer plays a small diamond to the Queen. This loses to the stiff K and a heart returned. Declarer wins in dummy and finesses clubs which wins, cashes the ace and plays a diamond to the A. He cashes the ♣K throwing a diamond and plays 3 rounds of spades. When they don't break 3-3, declarer is down 2.