JLOGIC, on 2011-January-06, 14:01, said:
Having to bid 3S sucks. You have AJx of clubs, and will often endplay partner out of 3N and into raising you on a stiff (or whatever).
That said it strikes gold here so what do i know. As you said, north should bid 5S. This denies a club control since with a club control north would bid 4C.
The real question is whether south should give his partner 6C over 5S. Missing the jack, it seems like grand will never be great though it could be good if solid elsewhere (unless partner has KJ doubleton), and might actually be pretty shaky if we need 4-2 diamonds and spades to come in. I might just be happy to reach 6 and bid 6S over 5S tbh, I could see people reaching 3N pretty easily. But partner does actually have KJ and the nuts outside so 7 is very good. Whenever I see people not bid 6C here it doesn't work out, so I guess the point is just bid your hand. Partner could have even had the DJ also for a 100 % grand! But KJ doubleton is a really unlikely holding to begin with.
Thanks .. I wanted to verify that there's agreement on what 5
♠ is. And it seems to me that South (not knowing what is going on) should bid 6
♣ and let the guy who has the source of tricks decide
JLOGIC, on 2011-January-06, 14:13, said:
Whenever you could have made a control showing cuebid their suit or the 4th suit, a jump to 5M would deny a control there. Quantitative jumps exist when this is not an option, thus you cannot be that specific.
For instance, if they open 4H and I overcall 5S, that does not show no heart control. It simply means I am too strong to overcall 4S. The reasoning behind this is that a 5H cuebid would not be a 1 suiter in spades, so it's not control showing.
In this auction over 3S, 4C is coming in spades. Partner has shown a strong 6 carder. If i had no club stopper and 1462 I would bid 4D (or 4S with stiff honor). If I had 5-6 I would bid 4H. If I had 2 spades I would raise in some fashion.
So if you are quantitative with a club control, you just bid 4C and have a cuebidding auction (and maybe keycard to follow, or maybe you can jump to 5S later...now this asks for good trumps since all suits have been bid!). With quantitative and no club control you can just bid a classic 5S directly, and expect partner to cuebid with the CA of course (though as I said, he might not want to on this hand!)
This is an excellent summary of the 5S bid .. thanks
If no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it then how bad a decision could it really be?