JLOGIC, on 2011-January-06, 14:17, said:
Winning the heart and playing a heart because you think partner is not good enough to not blow a trick when he has the DK and a stiff heart is certainly valid, it changes the odds of one play working vs another in a major way.
Good. With JLOGIC, one out of three ain't bad
JLOGIC, on 2011-January-06, 14:17, said:
But I don't understand making fewer assumptions about his holdings, isn't that what this hand and more generally bridge is about, making educated assumptions about everyone's holdings and playing accordingly to maximize your score?
The least
material assumption -- and JLOGIC doesn't expect much in that department. If partner has a singleton heart, a heart-return earns a good score no matter what high cards he has. If partner doesn't have a singleton heart, we might still get our
♦A later.
JLOGIC, on 2011-January-06, 14:17, said:
I also don't understand wanting to compliment partner on his lead, is that a real bridge reason or a joke? I guess I am making another implicit assumption that partner will lead from 2 small and a stiff heart equally as we overcalled the suit!
A real
bridge reason not a joke: You should be on the look-out for anything that partner does right, so that you have an excuse to compliment him. Here, if partner has led a singleton
♥, then his lead defeats a contract that might make on any other lead.
If partner's simple defence would succeed but your sophisticated plan fails then partner may be hard to persuade that your alternative is the better bet. Anyway, you want to encourage partner to lead your suit.
if partner has led a doubleton and declarer has say,
♠ KJ732
♥ K5
♦ K6
♣ QJT2,
then you will still be able to compliment partner on his lead as the only way to set the contract,
provided that you that return his lead
P (2♠) P, (4♠)
all pass at MP,
P leads ♥ 8. You win the A as declarer plays the 5. What now and why?