Need a Precision partner
Posted 2011-February-17, 23:56
I haven't been playing for long but I would say I am at about an intermediate level.
Summary of my convention card:
Precision, 2/1=GF, 14-16NT, Oslo Raises, 1H relay, 2NT opener=5-5 in minors, Upside-Down attitude count, 4th suit=GF, 2way New Minor Forcing, weak 2s, DONT Defense to strong NT, Cappelletti to weak, Inverted Minor Raises, 4suit transfers.
Posted 2011-February-18, 01:29
Oh yeah, for anyone else who responds to this post, Oslo Raises = Reverse Bergen
"Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make them all yourself."
"One advantage of bad bidding is that you get practice at playing atrocious contracts."
-Alfred Sheinwold
Posted 2011-February-18, 15:00
I am mostly available during the evenings (I live in Monterey County, CA so whatever time zone that is).
So like 7:00PM - 10:00PM would be good times.
Yeah I play Oslo Raises with my current partner but I am open to any alternatives, I love learning new conventions.
I didn't get an email from you but I got your message on BBO.
My email is
Posted 2011-February-25, 05:43
Posted 2011-February-25, 20:46
I used to play precision based upon Wei's system with some self add-on. I'm interested in playing with young ambitious fellows. Drop me a note at
Posted 2011-February-26, 08:48
Posted 2011-February-26, 11:00
Posted 2011-February-26, 11:14
Posted 2011-February-26, 11:32
Arian I live in San Jose . I would love to practice with you
Posted 2011-February-26, 13:59
I'm french. I learnt Precision approx. 40 years ago ! (Kathie Wei's system) Practiced it during 10 or 15 years but, as I had not enough partners to play it constantly, I used to play SAYC (Major 5th) 80 % of the time. Then I stopped playing bridge during 15 years.
I played again 2,5 years ago when I found Online bridge sites. I found 2 or 3 partners with whom I could play Precision according to my abilities and fondness.
If someone is ready to play Precision with me, please send me a message on BBO.
Posted 2011-February-26, 18:58
Posted 2011-February-26, 20:37
Hope you add me to the club:) Sailer White
Posted 2011-February-27, 05:48
I'm interested in joining to learn more about Precision and have an interesting hand for you to convince me to do so.
As dealer, you have J, AKQJ975, AK87, A and your partner has AKT86, 86, 42, T642.
Q1 -- How would 7H be reached confidently with Precision, without opposition bidding?
Q2 -- I've heard Precision is vulnerable to intervention. If your LHO intervened with 2S after your 1C, how would the bidding proceed?
Thanks for your input!
Posted 2011-February-27, 06:29
precijun80, on 2011-February-17, 23:56, said:
I haven't been playing for long but I would say I am at about an intermediate level.
Summary of my convention card:
Precision, 2/1=GF, 14-16NT, Oslo Raises, 1H relay, 2NT opener=5-5 in minors, Upside-Down attitude count, 4th suit=GF, 2way New Minor Forcing, weak 2s, DONT Defense to strong NT, Cappelletti to weak, Inverted Minor Raises, 4suit transfers.
I would love to play with you. Prefer 1NT = 13-15 (or 10-13). Don't like Oslo or 1!H relay but willing to play it. Rest in your card I have played. Look me up when I am online. Is your BBO user name Adrian? Mine is scsm1963. I usually prefer MatchPoint Precision otherwise any precision and any conventions attached

Posted 2011-February-27, 07:12
Q1 -- How would 7H be reached confidently with Precision, without opposition bidding?
Q2 -- I've heard Precision is vulnerable to intervention. If your LHO intervened with 2S after your 1C, how would the bidding proceed?
It probably wouldn't be confidently reached as with most precision players the responder is a negative that makes the bidding more awkward.
1♣-1♦ (16+;0-7)
2♥-2nt (2c opener in hearts;good hand, bad fit)
3♥-4♥ (really good suit;sure)
4♠-4nt (1430 kickback;1 or 4)
5♦-5♠ (all the keys and the Q, which K?;K of spade)
6♦-6♥? (I already know every point in your hand, but I want a grand if you have more help in diamonds; you might be looking for a stiff [same hand with the ♦K switched for the ♣K, so I sign-off in 6)
If you make the ♣T the ♣J then I find it with confidence playing transfer oriented symmetric relay positives:
1♣-1♥ (16+;8+ [at least an A or 2 K] w/ 4+ spades)
1♠-2♦ (tell me more; 4+ clubs with 5+ spades)
2♥-3♣ (tell me more; even shortness, 5=2=2=4)
3♦-3♠ (how many controls; 3, either some A and some K or 3 K)
7♥ (I can count to 13)
actually jumping to 7♥ is wrong since I should hunt for a working Q to see if 7nt makes so over 3♠ I should bid
4♣-4♦ (where are they?; 0 or 2 of the top spades)
4♥-4♠ (where?; 0 or 2 of the top clubs)
4nt-5♣ (where?; 0 or 2 of the top hearts)
5♦-5♥ (where?; 0 or 2 of the top diamonds)
5♠-5nt (where?; no spade Q)
7♥ (I have to give up here as I can't get around to the diamond Q in time)
If the LHO overcalls 2♠ there are a few different auctions imaginable most ending in 6♥ but I can also imagine:
X All pass
And, maybe, on a great day we reach 7 with something like:
4♥-4♠ (great hand with great hearts;1430)
4nt-5♣ (1 or 4; we have the keys, do you have trump Q?)
5♦-6♣ (yes, and dK; what about second round C? - implying spade K given trap pass and no spade ask)
6♦-7♥ (yes, have second round C, but need third round diamond help?; alright, 7 it is)
and the same follow on.
Posted 2011-February-27, 09:59
i am interested in practising Precision with you, so just leave me a message on bbo to discuss further details.
if anybody is interested in playing with me, just contact me: MartyD24
Posted 2011-February-27, 14:10
1♣ = 17+ or 15/16 balanced
1♦ = 12/16 4+♦
1♥♠ = 10/16 5+
1NT = 12/14
2♣ = 11/16 5+
2♦ = 11/15 mini roman
Transfer responses / 1♣
2/1 style over ♥♠
Anyone wanting to play this let me know.
Posted 2011-February-27, 15:09
BebopKid (Bryan Lee Williams)
"I've practiced meditation most of my life. It's better than sitting around doing nothing."
(Tom Sims, from
Posted 2011-February-27, 15:11
Posted 2011-February-27, 16:20
Mbodell, on 2011-February-27, 07:12, said:
1♣-1♦ (16+;0-7)
2♥-2nt (2c opener in hearts;good hand, bad fit)
3♥-4♥ (really good suit;sure)
4♠-4nt (1430 kickback;1 or 4)
5♦-5♠ (all the keys and the Q, which K?;K of spade)
6♦-6♥? (I already know every point in your hand, but I want a grand if you have more help in diamonds; you might be looking for a stiff [same hand with the ♦K switched for the ♣K, so I sign-off in 6)
If you make the ♣T the ♣J then I find it with confidence playing transfer oriented symmetric relay positives:
1♣-1♥ (16+;8+ [at least an A or 2 K] w/ 4+ spades)
1♠-2♦ (tell me more; 4+ clubs with 5+ spades)
2♥-3♣ (tell me more; even shortness, 5=2=2=4)
3♦-3♠ (how many controls; 3, either some A and some K or 3 K)
7♥ (I can count to 13)
actually jumping to 7♥ is wrong since I should hunt for a working Q to see if 7nt makes so over 3♠ I should bid
4♣-4♦ (where are they?; 0 or 2 of the top spades)
4♥-4♠ (where?; 0 or 2 of the top clubs)
4nt-5♣ (where?; 0 or 2 of the top hearts)
5♦-5♥ (where?; 0 or 2 of the top diamonds)
5♠-5nt (where?; no spade Q)
7♥ (I have to give up here as I can't get around to the diamond Q in time)
If the LHO overcalls 2♠ there are a few different auctions imaginable most ending in 6♥ but I can also imagine:
X All pass
And, maybe, on a great day we reach 7 with something like:
4♥-4♠ (great hand with great hearts;1430)
4nt-5♣ (1 or 4; we have the keys, do you have trump Q?)
5♦-6♣ (yes, and dK; what about second round C? - implying spade K given trap pass and no spade ask)
6♦-7♥ (yes, have second round C, but need third round diamond help?; alright, 7 it is)
and the same follow on.
I would make a positive response with an ace and a king both in long suits or both in the same long suit.