What a wonderful post! While stressing how you don't stereotype older people, you slip in a number of 'factual' assertions about old people, which stereotype them!
You have bad reading comprehension. I don't know what else to say. I said I don't stereotype old people? No! Of course I stereotype them before I know them just as much as they would stereotype me. I said:
You will rarely hear young people categorize and lump all elderly people together since it violates "respect your elders."
In fact, this quote IMPLIES that though young people stereotype them, they don't say these things as they are rude and disresepctful. And it should be obvious that once I know someone it is about what I know about them more than the stereotype. Surely dburn and I have conversed enough via the forums that he could argue with me and not a stereotype of a young person?
mikeh, on 2011-January-05, 09:07, said:
And in such a 'oh, look at me! I'm not biased!' sort of way.
You're a heck of a bridge player, but this post reflects more than just bridge knowledge, and it was a disappointment to read.
Are you serious? I BLATANTLY gave my stereotypes of old people, in response to his blatant constant stereotyping of me and young people. That was the whole point. How was it a "oh look at me, I'm not biased" sort of way? Of we all have biases. Sorry you're too old to understand my hip posting style! (or do I need to add a smiley now?!)
Mikeh, perhaps that rant was too subtle for you! Personally I think it was not, but perhaps you were angered in seeing my generalizations of older people. Perhaps, since you don't like me, you could not read between the lines. Anyways:
If you were angered by my generalizations, GREAT! As I said, you will pretty much never see young people categorize and generalize old people in some way so as to write them off, or write off their arguments. This is because it is disrespectful.
However, you may not realize that young people will frequently see this type of behavior by their wise elders. My point is, it is a complete joke. It is fine to have stereotypes of younger people. They might be rooted in fact (as are my stereotypes). But that's all they are, stereotypes. I am consistently annoyed with people like dburn to hear:
-You are arrogant because you are young.
-You are cocky because you are young
-You are overconfident because you are young
-You are aggressive because you are young
-You think X because you are young, you will learn.
Whatever. Those things have no factual basis (even if they do for other young people in general, surely I am beyond a stereotype on the forums/in the bridge world by now).
I will never, in the middle of a bridge discussion on this forum, say, well mikeh, you are too old to learn what I am saying, even though to me it is just factual that the older you get, the less your capacity for learning becomes. This is because it's a stupid point, and is just something to say if I don't know what to say to you.
I thought my post was pretty clear, of course these things are always more clear to ourselves than others. That said I got a good laugh out of you saying you were "disappointed" to read what I said. Haha. Come on Mikeh, try to be a little less fake. To be disappointed, you have to have expectations, and for that reason I doubt we can ever disappoint each other (except you seem to respect my bridge, so perhaps I could disappoint you there).
If you were angry, now you know how I feel every time anything I say comes down to age, most often when some moron cannot make a valid response to an argument that I have put forth. You at least argue with me and not my age!
If you actually think that I think all old people are stupid/arrogant/whatever, then I don't know what to say. You really missed the point. I think you're smarter than that (but then again...how old are you?).