agree that 3♥ by South should do it.
AT(R/B) (Almost) Cold Slam Missed
Posted 2010-December-21, 13:45
3♥ rebid is routine, if it isn't, change your system so it is. Shows 7 playing tricks where I was brought up, and that seems to be what I have.
Posted 2010-December-21, 14:05
mtvesuvius, on 2010-December-19, 19:08, said:
Who misbid here? How could we have reached this easy slam? Scoring is IMPs and nobody Vul. This is in a fairly standard 2/1 context, so I do NOT want to hear about how much easier this hand is with a strong club or Gazzilli.
South might rebid a brave 3♥ because his major honours all work.
North might try 3♣ or something because a slam is reasonable opposite suitable minima...
♠ Ax ♥ AKQxx ♦ xxx ♣ xxx
♠ Axx ♥ Axxxxx ♦ Axx ♣ x
Posted 2010-December-22, 04:58
nobody to blame.....
today 6 makes, tomorrow, it is -2..
today 6 makes, tomorrow, it is -2..
♥Bob Herreman ♥
Posted 2010-December-22, 16:25
We would have the same auction and I don't see anyone to blame.
The auction could go 1H, 1S, 3H (a little light for us)or 1H 1S 2H. Followed by 4H by North. 4S (leap of faith by South), 4N KCB, 5C. North knows that hearts are solid (more likely when the jump was made and partner has cue bid AS, 6H.
When N bids 4H, South can't determine the strength of North's hand no matter if he had bid 2H or 3H. 4S puts the contract in jeopardy, but is the only way 6H can be reached and North needs to know it is an Ace not a void.
The auction could go 1H, 1S, 3H (a little light for us)or 1H 1S 2H. Followed by 4H by North. 4S (leap of faith by South), 4N KCB, 5C. North knows that hearts are solid (more likely when the jump was made and partner has cue bid AS, 6H.
When N bids 4H, South can't determine the strength of North's hand no matter if he had bid 2H or 3H. 4S puts the contract in jeopardy, but is the only way 6H can be reached and North needs to know it is an Ace not a void.