Posted 2010-December-19, 14:08
♥ is better than ♦ if declarer is 3307 (or Axxx??,Kxx,--,AKQ10xx).
Assuming declarer controls ♦ -- which is perhaps indicated by the 6♣ bid and possibly supported if the "hmm" expresses ironic surprise at dummy's diamond controls -- and assuming partner hasn't led a low heart from ♥x4 or opened 1st seat vul with a 5-card suit,
If declarer has ♣AKxxxxxx the only chance is Kxx,x,x,AKxxxxxx and a ♠ shift.
If declarer has ♣AKQxxxx, a ♥ will work and a ♠ will be ok also vs. Kx(x),Kxx,(x),AKQxxxx (which helps explain the weak 2).
If declarer has ♣AKxxxxx, a ♥ will work, a ♠ may be ok (if partner ♠A), and a ♦ works if partner has 7 ♠.
If declarer has ♣AKQxxx, a ♥ will work, ♠ as previous, ♦ will work.
If declarer does not control ♦ then
If declarer has 7-8 clubs, the only chance is a ♠.
If declarer has ♣AKQxxx, a ♥ will work if partner is 7123, a ♠ if partner is 6313 or 7123 with ♠A, a ♦ if partner is 7303 (maybe KJxxxxx, Kxx, --, xxx?)
If declarer has ♣AKQxx a ♥ will work only if declarer bid surprisingly to ignore 3NT, a ♠ will be ok if partner isn't very light for the opening bid, a ♦ is good if declarer is Axx,x,J10xx,AKQxx which seems a very optimistic 6♣ bid.
There seem to be a lot of imponderables, such as explaining the opponents' bidding. ♠ makes the most sense to me, perhaps because I am not used to 7303 weak twos.
2♦ = Multi.
-X = Penalty.
2♠ = Like ♥.
3♠ = Cue.
4♥ = Cue.
hm = Why didn't I bid 6N?
IMO ♥ = 10, ♠ = 6, ♦ = 5.
The ♥4 looks like a singleton.
I guess the layout is something like that on the left.
West can try the false-card of ♥K.