Been a quiet day: I was scheduled to be in trial but the parties settled:)
Anyway my instinct had been to pass, and I was troubled by the strong preference for taking action here, so I ran a simulation.
The constraints were LHO 12-15 hcp, with 6-7 hearts, and no 4 card minor, with RHO 5-9, fewer than 4 spades and at most 2 hearts and no 7 card minor.
I generated 175 hands and eliminated those on which I thought that partner had a reasonably clear non-pass over 1
These constraints are imperfect for several reasons. Some openers might well rebid hearts with a weakish 6-4 heart/minor, and some responders might hold a sub-minimum 2
♥ raise or a 7 card minor willing to play 2
♥. And my choice of partner's actions will not meet with unanimous approval...such would nver happen amongst any group of players, let alone those as disparate in their views as BBF posters
And the analysis of outcomes was double dummy with all of the flaws that entails.
Of the 114 hands that survived the weeding process, I then had to choose what action partner would take over a hypothetical double. I made him pull unless he had what looked like 3 trump tricks or hand saw him with AKQ106 in hearts.....2
♥ made on that one!
I have him pull to spades with 4+ spades....he didn't ever have 4 spades and a 6 card minor and only a couple of times did he have 4 spades and 5 clubs....never 4 spades and 5 diamonds....I made him bid 2
♠ on the black hands...the spades were chunky.
The result of all of this, flawed tho it may be, was interesting.
Partner pulls to 2
♠ more than half the time: 68 out of 114....but 2
♠ fails 43 times or 63% of the time.
Now, most of the time it fails while 2
♥ makes and at imps this is usually no big deal...often a push in fact. When it makes, sometimes 2
♥ fails, but on many occasions, both make for a useful pickup.
Partner pulls, usually but not always via 2N, to a minor far less often. We would reach 3
♣ (by partner bidding it) 10 times, of which we fail 7 times, and 3
♦ 17 times, of which we fail 12 times or 70%.
All of this suggests that doubling is the right action....while I didn't specifically test for this, my impression from reviewing the hands is that 2N commits to 3minor far too often...many of the hands making 2
♠ failed in 3minor, and virtually none of the hands failing in 2
♠ made 3minor.
However it seemed to me that doubling got partner passing too often. I hate doubling partscores into game at imps and strained to find a reason to I said, one passing hand was on AKQ106 of trump...with a side K...and at least double dummy, 2
♥ was cold.
On that approach, we doubled a making 2
♥ into game 7 times while beating it, usually 1 trick, 12 times. Assuming our choices were to collect 100/go -110 or collect 200/-670, the math was clear...double was a high risk. Over my 114 hands, doubling cost 77 imps for a gain of 36.
OTOH, it seems probable that doubling picked up enough imps on the making partials to which it gave rise to offset this.
Thus, my simulation persuaded me that in a long match, I double and in a short match I the long match I hope to recover from the -670s but in the short match, the loss of 11 imps on about 6% of the hands makes me too nervous.
The simulation did mean that I am convinced that balancing 2N for the minors is wrong. Even on the hands where partner chooses a minor over the double, 3minor is a losing becomes overwhelmingly so if we force partner to bid a my simulations, for example, we always played diamonds with 3-3 minors over there....if we bid 2N, we play clubs...and that is usually very bad.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari