han, on 2010-December-08, 13:16, said:
If the queen of clubs holds I ruff a diamond, ace of spades, small spade. The opponents probably do best to play a heart. Now I ruff the last diamond and exit with the club jack. I'll go down if south holds a doubleton heart and can ruff the think club. However, this is not possible as he would have to be 2263, 3262, which means north doesn't have a 1D opening.
if S is 2-2-6-3 isn't N then 3-3-4-3? How is this not a 1
♦ opener, assuming it is out of the 1N range?
if S is 3-2-6-2 then N is 2-3-4-4, and, again, how is that not a 1
♦ opener (leaving aside the age-old issue of which minor to open when 4-4...in NA, the majority view seems to be 1
♦ anyway)?
The basic idea of a spade at trick 2 seems intuitively sound, but when I ran the scenario before posting, I wondered what I would do if N popped the spade K and returned a spade? It's not that I worry about this being ruffed so much as I worry about where I win this and how I continue. If I win in hand and ruff a diamond, I can get to my hand in trump and ruff my last diamond, but now I'm in dummy with Ax void void AJ10xx opposite xx A10x void xx, having lost one trick and with at least 2 more losers on all lies.
It seemed to me that I need clubs to be 3-3 or to have length in the south hand...I need to get back to my hand to cash the top heart before returning to spades. But if N can win the early club and lead a 3rd spade...then I am down whenever S has 2-2-5-4 or 2-2-6-3...he gets to ruff the 3rd spade with the short heart. I'm ok if he is 2=3=5=3 or 2=3=6=2, I think.
That's why I exited the club at trick 2...if clubs are 3-3, I think I'm safe on all 3-2 trump breaks...and I may still be able to recover in some cases when clubs aren't 3-3.
I do admit that if I knew N would duck the spade (why would he...can't he see that we are likely to be 4-4 majors, and that popping and continuing disrupts our entries?), I'd definitely lead a spade to the Q at trick 2.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Lead ♦Q.