New suit on the 2-level after overcall What is standard near you?
Posted 2010-December-01, 11:25
(1♦) 1♥ (p) 2♣
(1♠) 2♣ (p) 2♥
Is this forcing or not?
What would a jump in a new suit (3-level) be? Natural and (non)forcing, i.e. the other hand, or a fitjump?
Note that I chose two sequences that are not Rubens transfer sequences.
Posted 2010-December-01, 11:46
Posted 2010-December-01, 11:52
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2010-December-01, 12:07
At the one-level and the three-level I'd play them as forcing.
A jump in a new suit would be a fit-bid.
London UK
Posted 2010-December-01, 13:30

-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2010-December-01, 16:00
2♣ can be a 4card
2♥ is 5 card
a jump in that position is a weak 5 card, prempt and competitive
Posted 2010-December-01, 16:17
Fit jumps are fine, but they are more valuable in competitive auctions. When 3rd chair passes, there is a good chance its our hand.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2010-December-01, 17:44
The first one I play as non forcing, but my definition is "forcing unless you overcalled with crap". Because it is not totally forcing, 3♣ is now forcing.
About what is standard aroudn me, I think 98% players don't even know. But they will pass the second one often.
Posted 2010-December-01, 18:29
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2010-December-01, 19:11
Facing a one-level overcall, I think there's a good case for playing new suits as non-forcing. You almost never have a hand that wants to insist on game opposite a simple overcall. If I did have such a hand, I could live with having to guess which game to play in, treat a doubleton as support, or risk a non-forcing new-suit bid.
Posted 2010-December-01, 20:57
I can't recall a partner who explicitly discussed the difference between these two sequences (after a 1-level overcall vs. after a 2-level overcall), incidentally -- in the case of your first auction, NFC has been nearly universal when I've filled out a card at a partnership desk.
With my regular partner the jump shift is a fit bid, but I wouldn't assume that without discussion.
Posted 2010-December-01, 21:07
We are all connected to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically.
We're in the universe, and the universe is in us.
Posted 2010-December-02, 07:21
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2010-December-02, 07:32
By default, I treat (1♦) 2♣ (p) 2♥ as non-forcing and this seems to be the way it is usually intended. I am far from certain that this is best. I think that somewhere in Mike Lawrence's Complete Book of Overcalls (and I believe he has an update that I haven't bought) he prefers forcing but accepts that most people play it as non-forcing. Maybe I'll get the update for myself as a Christmas present.
Posted 2010-December-02, 07:44
- hrothgar
Posted 2010-December-02, 07:47
mgoetze, on 2010-December-01, 13:30, said:

Proposed solution: don't play Robson Segal.
I think that the bridgematters website has a nice interview with Eric Rodwell. I couldn't say it any better than he did.
- hrothgar
Posted 2010-December-04, 09:57
han, on 2010-December-02, 07:47, said:
Thanks Han, that sure helped.

Anyway, I understand from your other post that you forgo fit jumps in these auctions. How do you define 2NT?
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2010-December-04, 15:05
For others around here I think it is a mixture of all three - forcing, non-forcing, and no agreement. Just recently the opponents' bidding stopped in a making partscore, with a good fit and game values, because responder thought it was forcing and opener didn't. Unfortunately for me, the game unavoidably goes off with wasted values, finesses wrong.
Posted 2010-December-05, 16:46
han, on 2010-December-02, 07:47, said:
I think that the bridgematters website has a nice interview with Eric Rodwell. I couldn't say it any better than he did.
Well, I reread the interview (it's been a year or so), but I don't feel enlightened.
Eric Rodwell: It is something that I only play with a couple of partners. It is difficult to play because you have a lot of trouble clarifying the better hands. If you just put everything in an omnibus multi-meaning negative double, and then have the eventual three level jump raise by the opponents, you are just going to have terrible trouble sorting it out. Playing standard, I definitely don’t like them. I just want to be able to make my forcing free bid. The only time I play them is playing a strong club system where my partner’s hand is limited. As for . . . Negative Free Bids, I recommend not using them.
So basically I should only play NFBs in conjunction with a strong club or the like. But what are the ". . ." NFBs he recommends not using?
-- Bertrand Russell