Normal I don't know -- ask my partners.
1NT always here. I want 1NT above BOTH majors
because I want 3NT not 4M on 4-4.
I want to shut out our 3M partial.
The 1NT on single K deviation may make sense when SK.
May surprise a S-stop.
Have minors so 3NT likely best.
Seldom if HK as 1C then 1S over 1H or 1D
puts partner well placed to decide.
No rebid problem.
Phil nailed this one.
All kinds of auctions are 'ab-normal'
if I start singleton in 1NT.
Is this "normal"
Posted 2010-November-18, 04:00
dake50, on 2010-November-17, 22:56, said:
1NT always here. I want 1NT above BOTH majors
because I want 3NT not 4M on 4-4.
I want to shut out our 3M partial.
because I want 3NT not 4M on 4-4.
I want to shut out our 3M partial.
Yes, but what is the relationship between your desires and "Advanced and Expert-Class Bridge"? And why are you so keen on opps taking 5 top diamonds against your 3NT when 4M was making?
"One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision"
-- Bertrand Russell
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2010-November-18, 04:28
I think dake50 was being sarcastic, although it's slightly hard to tell.
Posted 2010-November-18, 04:29
No, it's not normal to open 1NT on this hand.
I admit that in my usual system 4=4=1=4 with a singleton diamond is the worst shape to have and I am allowed to open this hand 1NT. But I still wouldn't do it at imps.
I admit that in my usual system 4=4=1=4 with a singleton diamond is the worst shape to have and I am allowed to open this hand 1NT. But I still wouldn't do it at imps.
Posted 2010-November-20, 01:36
mgoetze, on 2010-November-18, 04:00, said:
Yes, but what is the relationship between your desires and "Advanced and Expert-Class Bridge"? And why are you so keen on opps taking 5 top diamonds against your 3NT when 4M was making?

"Genius has its own limitations, however stupidity has no such boundaries!"
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2010-November-20, 05:53
Maybe it is not normal. Who cares? Bid and play normal and you will get a normal result. When I play I try to do better.
Besides what is normal today used to be unheard of a couple of years ago.
What matters is whether it is a good bid. Good bids are rarely normal. I do not need a rebid problem before opening 1NT. For me it is enough that a bid describes a hand well.
Besides, if you open 1♣ and partner responds 1♥ you would have to jump to 3♥ and besides showing a stronger hand than you have, I do not like that at all with no ace. No matter whether partner passes, bids 4 ♥ or tries for 6♥, I give you good chances to go down. Claiming that there is no rebid problem is true for players who can not evaluate a hand.
I would open 1NT for various reasons:
1) secondary honors are better suited for notrump.
2) A singleton king is better than a small doubleton, whether as a stopper or when partner transfers into this suit.
3) The value of the hand is just right for a 15-17 notrump. (worth around 16)
4) If partner transfers into ♥ and you super-accept (nobody forces you to do so) you will at least be assured of a nine card fit.
5) This hand will do better declaring than as dummy. Some number of notrump played from this side will quite often be the right strain, sometimes even when you have a 4-4 fit in a major, and chances are small that this hand will play notrump if you open 1♣
Note that this is a recurring discussion. I just cite one of the best players in the world on another discussion forum:
Chris Pisarra asked:
> A98x
> Axxx
> K
> AQTx
> Second seat, all white.
> So I opened 1NT. While I clearly can't argue that it's the normal call, would you even consider it? Or was I completely off
> the wall? (Note: This is a much more contentious example since far better suited to suit play -RHM)
Good judgment. Many hands with a stiff king are best treated
as balanced because the king is likely to be useful at notrump
but not at a suit contract. There are various subtle benefits
too, such as baffling the defenders' shape count.
Partner makes no adjustment for this; if he chooses that suit
as trumps, the blank king is typically better than two-small.
In fact, I've seen a number cases over the years where partner
has used Texas (to 4M) and the 6-1 fit was the only (or best)
game because of communication problems in notrump.
It's amazing how many players think nothing of opening 1NT with
a worthless doubleton, yet disdain that bid with a stiff king.
Which holding is a better stopper?
Richard Pavlicek
Rainer Herrmann
Besides what is normal today used to be unheard of a couple of years ago.
What matters is whether it is a good bid. Good bids are rarely normal. I do not need a rebid problem before opening 1NT. For me it is enough that a bid describes a hand well.
Besides, if you open 1♣ and partner responds 1♥ you would have to jump to 3♥ and besides showing a stronger hand than you have, I do not like that at all with no ace. No matter whether partner passes, bids 4 ♥ or tries for 6♥, I give you good chances to go down. Claiming that there is no rebid problem is true for players who can not evaluate a hand.
I would open 1NT for various reasons:
1) secondary honors are better suited for notrump.
2) A singleton king is better than a small doubleton, whether as a stopper or when partner transfers into this suit.
3) The value of the hand is just right for a 15-17 notrump. (worth around 16)
4) If partner transfers into ♥ and you super-accept (nobody forces you to do so) you will at least be assured of a nine card fit.
5) This hand will do better declaring than as dummy. Some number of notrump played from this side will quite often be the right strain, sometimes even when you have a 4-4 fit in a major, and chances are small that this hand will play notrump if you open 1♣
Note that this is a recurring discussion. I just cite one of the best players in the world on another discussion forum:
Chris Pisarra asked:
> A98x
> Axxx
> K
> AQTx
> Second seat, all white.
> So I opened 1NT. While I clearly can't argue that it's the normal call, would you even consider it? Or was I completely off
> the wall? (Note: This is a much more contentious example since far better suited to suit play -RHM)
Good judgment. Many hands with a stiff king are best treated
as balanced because the king is likely to be useful at notrump
but not at a suit contract. There are various subtle benefits
too, such as baffling the defenders' shape count.
Partner makes no adjustment for this; if he chooses that suit
as trumps, the blank king is typically better than two-small.
In fact, I've seen a number cases over the years where partner
has used Texas (to 4M) and the 6-1 fit was the only (or best)
game because of communication problems in notrump.
It's amazing how many players think nothing of opening 1NT with
a worthless doubleton, yet disdain that bid with a stiff king.
Which holding is a better stopper?
Richard Pavlicek
Rainer Herrmann