Zelandakh, on 2010-November-14, 10:43, said:
This was also somewhat my thinking, but on the slightly more pessimistic side

I think that playing partner to have Axx♠ is playing for too much of a perfecto. Perhaps the risk is worth it with a fairly disciplined partner, since 3♥ vs 2♥ should (hopefully) only be a loss of 3 IMPs. If partner rebids 3m, we are stuck. Pass seems best now, trying to escape... Anything else is just making a bad situation worse.
IMO, partner isn't raising spades enough, and rates to not have a hand where game is reasonable enough to try for it.
Playing with most juniors that don't pay much attention to vulnerability, or playing an aggressive pre-emptive style, I think it's a pass. Playing with Andrew or a few of my other partners, I'd bid 2♠.
One more interesting thought: Would you change your bid if 2♥ could be 5? What if it promised a side 4cm?