Climate change a different take on what to do about it.
Posted 2020-March-02, 09:29
Posted 2020-March-15, 13:02
Record hot air from the White House denying the potential for a meltdown from the Coronavirus pandemic contributed by raising the average temperatures at least a degree.
Posted 2020-September-14, 18:47
“It will start getting cooler. You just watch,” Trump fired back at Crowfoot
I don't see how anybody can disagree with that "argument". The Grifter in Chief said the virus would disappear in the heat of summer in the early days of coronavirus. The Manchurian President would never lie, so it is obvious that cool spring and summer temperatures this year are the only reason coronavirus didn't disappear but actually got worse in the last 6 months. I fully expect that the Stable Genius will unleash campaign ads blaming the 200K deaths from coronavirus on Global Cooling and climate change activists who have tried to stop Global Warming.
Posted 2020-October-07, 15:00
onoway, on 2010-November-12, 11:54, said:
Oh! We are told by our esteemed leaders that climate change is fake news. I recently saw a video of DJT assuring scientists “that is will get cooler soon,very quickly.”
Posted 2020-October-15, 03:38
Posted 2020-October-15, 18:31
thepossum, on 2020-October-15, 03:38, said:

The article was more detailed and said
But your graph does reinforce one fact. The world is currently seeing temperature changes that have rarely been seen in the history of the planet.
Posted 2020-October-15, 21:50
johnu, on 2020-October-15, 18:31, said:
But your graph does reinforce one fact. The world is currently seeing temperature changes that have rarely been seen in the history of the planet.
Indeed and heading towards some alarming type of temperatures and conditions
Come to think of it. September is a fairly recent invention is it not, or could it be argued to exist millions of years ago
Posted 2020-October-21, 09:06
David Roberts at Vox said:
Vik Rao, former chief technology officer at Halliburton, the oil field service giant, recently told the geothermal blog Heat Beat, “geothermal is no longer a niche play. It’s scalable, potentially in a highly material way. Scalability gets the attention of the [oil services] industry.”
In this post, I’m going to cover technologies meant to mine heat deep from the Earth, which can then be used as direct heat for communities, to generate electricity, or to do both through “cogeneration” of heat and electricity. (Note that ground-source heat pumps, which take advantage of steady shallow-earth temperatures to heat buildings or groups of buildings, are sometimes included among geothermal technologies, but I’m going to leave them aside for a separate post.)
Posted 2020-October-21, 10:23
thepossum, on 2020-October-15, 21:50, said:
This is a little like arguing that trilobites are a recent invention, since the name has only existed since 1771.
Posted 2020-October-27, 13:39
The slope sediments in the Arctic contain a huge quantity of frozen methane and other gases – known as hydrates. Methane has a warming effect 80 times stronger than carbon dioxide over 20 years. The United States Geological Survey has previously listed Arctic hydrate destabilisation as one of four most serious scenarios for abrupt climate change.
The international team onboard the Russian research ship R/V Akademik Keldysh said most of the bubbles were currently dissolving in the water but methane levels at the surface were four to eight times what would normally be expected and this was venting into the atmosphere.
We can tamp down CO2 emissions, and we should, but the warming already in progress will get a lot worse before it gets better.
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell. — Bertrand Russell
Posted 2021-August-13, 17:41
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Friday that last month saw the highest temperatures since record keeping began 142 years ago.
The picture is particularly bleak for the Northern Hemisphere, where the land temperature was 2.77 degrees Fahrenheit (or 1.54 degrees Celsius) above the 20th-century average.
What an amazing "coincidence" that the previous 3 hottest months are all in the last 6 years. What are the odds of that happening?
Posted 2021-August-15, 04:43
Posted 2021-August-15, 05:46
thepossum, on 2021-August-15, 04:43, said:
Actually I think the report was that this last July was the hottest July on record, or maybe the hottest any month on record. But I am not sure if this is for the US or what.
I am fine with not jumping to conclusions and I certainly have not studied the issue with sufficient depth to hold my own in a debate. Still, I strongly advise against a dismissive attitude. The world population is some 7.6 billion and many of the adults drive cars. Without an ounce of evidence, a person might worry about the long term effect. Same with burning coal, same with cutting down forests. Why on earth would anyone think these things will not have an effect?
And the evidence, as accepted by a great many scientists, is that it is having an effect.
So we have a problem. And we have a responsibility to address it.
Posted 2021-August-15, 08:01
Of course. Sometimes my attitude doesn't communicate well 🙂
Posted 2021-August-15, 09:10
kenberg, on 2021-August-15, 05:46, said:
According to the NOAA data it is only the 13th hottest for the USA and the 6th warmest month for North America as a whole. In their data record (142 years) it is the hottest for Asia and for the world. Some others - Europe 2nd, Africa 7th, South America 10th, Oceania "Top 10". I have not yet seen anything released for Antarctica or for the oceans but logic dictates that they are both likely to be lower since the Northern Hemisphere land-only figure was higher than the average.
It is worth noting that this is not the largest temperature anomaly in the NOAA dataset but as it is the largest anomaly for July, and July is the warmest month, it works out 0.01C warmer than the previous maxima. Sceptics are already pointing to satellite data that supposedly (I have not checked) shows a lower anomaly but obviously you will not see those claims reported in MSM channels. What is clear is that it was a very hot month globally however you want to spin it. Whether it was really the hottest is, I think, uncertain. There is no way that our current measurements are really accurate to 2 decimal places. And things are even less certain when you go to the 2000 year mark as several media outlets have confidently reported; but headlines are headlines.
Personally I am less interested in whether things are getting warmer (they surely are) but rather how fast, ie what the sensitivity factor is. The evidence seems to suggest (to me at least) that the real value is a little lower than the majority of the IPCC-approved models are currently using. There seems to be some reluctance in re-calibrating though, which I personally find disappointing. You go where the scientific data takes you, not where the money wants you to be.
Posted 2022-February-19, 22:22
Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf, Head of Earth System Analysis at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research said:
Posted 2022-February-20, 05:09
thepossum, on 2021-August-15, 04:43, said:
For heat yes (although we are getting some "highest ever" events, the problem here is flooding where you're getting "once in 150 years" flooding events 3 times in 10 years in some places. It's clear something is changing fast.
Posted 2022-February-21, 15:54
Gilithin, on 2022-February-21, 13:57, said:
The overall amount is not what's the issue here, it's just that 3 months worth falls in a day