The topic says it all. I will post our auction later.
Bid These any system
Posted 2010-November-10, 02:34
The topic says it all. I will post our auction later.
Posted 2010-November-10, 02:40
2♦ - 2NT (11-15 3-suited short ♦ ; INV+ relay)
3♣ - 3♦ (min ; GF relay)
3♠ - 4♦ (3=4=1=5 ; RKC ♥)
4♥ - 4♠ (1/4 keycards ; HQ?)
5♣ - 6♣ (HQ + CK ; 3rd round C control?)
7♥ - pass (yes ; cool)
Posted 2010-November-10, 03:47
2♥ 2NT Nat/Artificial force
3♥ 4♣ Minimum four hearts/Serious Cue - denies ♠ control
4♦ 4♠ ♦+♠ control / kickback
5♣ 5♦ 1 or 4 / trump queen?
6♣ 6♦ ♥Q and ♣K / still interested
Relay would be trivial
1♦ 1NT 2 or 3 suits / GF
2♣ 2♦ hearts / relay
2♥ 2♠ clubs / relay
3♦ 3♥ 3=4=1=5 /relay
3NT 4♣ 3 controls / relay
5♣ 7♥ club, heart, spade, 2nd club, no 2nd heart honours (AKQ)
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2010-November-10, 04:02
I will give it a try
natural system, 2/1 gf style, weak NT
1C - 1H
2H - 2NT (1)
4D (2) - 4NT (3)
5D (4) - 6H (5)
(1) generic game try
(2) splinter, alternative 3C as showing values,
would work out better
(3) RKCB
(4) 1KC
(5) may be a bit lazy, we find the king of clubs
but not the Queen of clubs and the 5th clubs,
but the splinter will cool down Easts enthusiasm
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2010-November-10, 05:34
1♣ - 1♦ (Balanced or Clubs; Transfer to Hearts)
2♥ - 2NT (Minimum with 4-fit; Balanced invitation)
3♣ - 3♦ (Values in Clubs; Cue)
3♠ - 4♠ (Cue; RKCB)
4NT - 5♣ (1/4; Scan)
5♠ - 5NT (♥Q, ♣K, no ♦K; Scan)
6♣ - 6♦ (No ♠K; Scan)
6♠ - 7♥ (♣Q, no ♦Q; IMPs so no need to try NT)
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2010-November-10, 06:01
2♣-2♦ (11-15,6+♣or good5♣and 4M;Ask bid)
2♥-2NT (4♥;Ask bid)
3♦-3♥ (0-1♦;nat)
3♠-4♣ (Cue-bid;Cue-bid)
4♥-4NT (have no more control;RKCB)
5♣-5♦ (1/4keycard;Queen ask)
6♣-7♥ (Queen and ♣K;-)
Posted 2010-November-10, 07:42
In a Relay Strong Club context:
2♦ - 2N [10-15 HCP w/3 Suited Short ♦; INV+ relay]
3♣ - 3♦ [All Minimums; GF relay]
3♥ - 3♠ [3-4-1-5; Further Size Ask]
4♥ - 4♠ [7 or 10 AKQ Points (A-3 K-2 Q-1) with 0 or 2 of the top 3 ♣ honours; Relay]
5♥ - 7♥ [1 or 3 top ♥ honours, 1 or 3 top ♠ honours, no stiff ♦ honour, no ♣J; That's all I need to know. Partner must have Axx Qxxx x KQxxx.]
Edit: Since it is known that W does NOT have the ♣J, East can avoid 7N. If W had shown the ♣J, East would comfortably bid 7N.
This post has been edited by mtvesuvius: 2010-November-10, 14:29
Posted 2010-November-10, 09:33
3H-3S- (1H-top) - (short?)
4D-4S- (0-1D) - (more?)
5C-5D- (5+good clubs) - (more?)
5S-7H. (SA)
Posted 2010-November-10, 10:47
1♣ is 4+ cards
4♣ is A/K
4♦ implies a spade control as pard has denied one
4♠ is keycard
5♣ 1/4
5♦ Q♥ ?
6♣ yes and K♣
6♦ is a grand slam try which looks like "do you have the Q♣"
Posted 2010-November-10, 14:24
1♣ BAL 15-19 or clubs Unbal 11-21
1N Relay, 12-16 no 5cM, or 17+ ANY
2♣ 15-16/17 BAL, or 11-14 UNBAL
2♠ 4+♥
3♣ x4x5, 11-14
3N 3415
4♣? (sets ♣)
4♦ 11-12
5N = 2 Keys, ♣Q, no outside Kings, and either ♥Q or (♦Q+♠Q)
7♥ (West has shown Axx Qxxx x KQxxx, bidding 7N at pairs is OK in a strong field).
Posted 2010-November-10, 15:13
1♥=11-15, 4+♥, may have longer minor.
2NT=limit raise or better.
3♣=second suit is ♣, may be minimum as it doesn't bypass 3♥.
3NT=serious 3NT, denies ♠ control.
4♣=♣ control and ♠ control.
4NT=RKCB 1430.
5♣=1 or 4 Aces
5♦=Queen ask.
6♣=♥Q and ♣Q.
7♥=that's all I need to know.
Partner would correct to 7NT with solid ♣.
Posted 2010-November-10, 15:27
mikestar13, on 2010-November-10, 15:13, said:
1♥=11-15, 4+♥, may have longer minor.
2NT=limit raise or better.
3♣=second suit is ♣, may be minimum as it doesn't bypass 3♥.
3NT=serious 3NT, denies ♠ control.
4♣=♣ control and ♠ control.
4NT=RKCB 1430.
5♣=1 or 4 Aces
5♦=Queen ask.
6♣=♥Q and ♣Q.
7♥=that's all I need to know.
Partner would correct to 7NT with solid ♣.
So where is the King ask? Isn't the response to a Queen ask, the Queen of trump then other Kings?
Posted 2010-November-10, 15:31
mgoetze, on 2010-November-10, 05:34, said:
1♣ - 1♦ (Balanced or Clubs; Transfer to Hearts)
2♥ - 2NT (Minimum with 4-fit; Balanced invitation)
3♣ - 3♦ (Values in Clubs; Cue)
3♠ - 4♠ (Cue; RKCB)
4NT - 5♣ (1/4; Scan)
5♠ - 5NT (♥Q, ♣K, no ♦K; Scan)
6♣ - 6♦ (No ♠K; Scan)
6♠ - 7♥ (♣Q, no ♦Q; IMPs so no need to try NT)
Another T-Walsh:
1♣ - 1♦ (Balanced or Natural; 4+ Hearts)
2♥ - 2S (4+ Hearts Minimum; Help suit game try)
3♣ - 3NT (Values in Clubs; Last Train to Clarksville)
4NT - 5C (RKCB; 1-4 key cards)
5NT - 6♦ (King Asking; 1 king)
Posted 2010-November-10, 21:27
mikestar13, on 2010-November-10, 02:34, said:
266|100|West dealer, both vulnerable, IMPs if it matters.[/hv]
The topic says it all. I will post our auction later.
2C = 10-14, 5+ clubs (if 5 then 4 card major)
...2D = 4+ hearts
3D = 4 hearts, min
...3S = asks for spade control (denial cue)
4N = controls in all side suits, no void, 1 or 4 keycards, good slam hand
...5C = queen?
6C = HQ and CK
...6D = grand try
7H = you must be angling for the CQ
I think this is mainly a hand where you need to be able to trust partner enough to make the 6D bid. Almost everyone is going to arrive at the same point here with hearts agreed and Opener having shown club length with SA, HQ and CK. Some, especially relayers, will have found out more about the shape but that does not really help very much on this deal - it is all about the CQ.
Posted 2010-November-11, 01:05
mtvesuvius, on 2010-November-10, 15:27, said:
Ordinarily yes, but the previous bidding lets East know that West has ♣K and West knows he knows (not the ace as it is known, and not shortness because West showed ♣.) I should have clarified in my auction notes.
Posted 2010-November-11, 08:22
mikestar13, on 2010-November-11, 01:05, said:
Why is it clear? When making a Queen ask, it is not a grand slam try... It could still be searching for a small slam. How does W know that his partner knows he has the ♣K? Would he not bid the same way with Kxx Qxxx x AQxxx? Or KQx Qxxx x Axxxx? If showing Kxx as a cue is not your style, the second hand still presents a problem.
Posted 2010-November-11, 08:28
Posted 2010-November-11, 16:39
Zelandakh, on 2010-November-11, 08:28, said:
If a keycard is missing, asker will sign off in 6♥ regardless of what 6♣ means, so we assume no missing keys.
Posted 2010-November-11, 16:58
Note all bids by responder are relays, except 3♠ (control ask) and 7♥ which places the contract.
1♦ - 1♥ (10-15, 4+♥, possible canape)
2♣ - 2♦ (4+♥, 4+♣)
2♥ - 2♠ (4♥, 5+♣)
3♦ - 3♠ (3=4=1=5)
4♣ - 4♦ (3 controls where A=2,K=1)
4♠ - 4NT (♣A or ♣K, no ♥A or ♥K)
5♠ - 5NT (♠A or K or Q, ♣Q, ♥Q, no 2nd ♠ honor)
6♣ - 7♥ (no J of clubs)
Hand is known to be Axx Qxxx x KQxxx or Axx QJxx x KQxxx.
Posted 2010-November-11, 17:35
2♥ (2) - 2N (3) ; [2] Not max raise, [3] = GF ask
3♠ (4) - 4♠ (5) ; [4] 4 ♥ with ♦ shortness, [5] RKC
4N (6) - 5♣ (7) ; [6] 1 key card, [7] Q♥ ask
6♣ (8) - 6♥ ; [8] Q♥ with K♣ cheapest K
After 6♣, pard can still have AXX or AQX of ♠ and so a grand isn't 100% on. It's too bad there's no DCB in this sequence to pick up the specific black Q...