mikeh, on 2010-November-08, 16:51, said:
As for the shape I was suggesting, your argument is essentially from a priori odds...which is silly. If I held x Axxxx Kxxxxx x, and heard the auction, it wouldn't be the least bit surprising to learn that clubs were 5=6...the fact that takeout doubler probably has at most 1 diamond would allow me to infer a high likelihood of 5 clubs, and I once knew a player who bid 3♣ in this auction to hold 6! Arguing a priori odds leads to concepts such as doubling every grand slam the opps bid, since it is very rare for the opps to take 13 tricks.
I have a hard time believing that you think I don't understand the difference between a priori and current odds, but thanks for the math lesson. This is actually not hard, just ask yourself some questions about what kinds of hands partner is likely to have:
How many spades do you think partner has?
How many hearts do you think partner has?
Do you think partner has a balanced hand?
If partner has no shortness, what is his shape?
If partner has some shortness, do you think it's in CLUBS, or HEARTS?
Do you know how much more likely an 11 card fit is than a 12 card fit?
mikeh, on 2010-November-08, 16:51, said:
I may have been too pessimistic in my view of N....but you must play in markedly different games than me if you really think that N should not merely bid 6♦ but should instead make a try for grand via 5♥!!!!!!
Lets assume for the moment that we should not pass 5D (I think the above questions, when you answer them, make it obvious to bid again). What kind of hand would bid 5H? Well, we don't have a void in clubs or spades, I would always cuebid that since it's the most important part of our hand, and I really can't be 55 and make a grand try, especially since I personally would have even opened a hand like x AQxxx Kxxxx xx. That makes me 5-6 or 6-5 in the red suits. Do I have 6 hearts? I guess it's possible but my argument doesn't really hinge on this, so let's say we know we are 1561 or 1651.
What is my honor structure? I can't have 3 big cards as a passed hand, so I have two. The ace of hearts is one of them. Is the king of hearts the other? No, x AKxxx Jxxxxx is not a grand try, and I didn't open 2H. Maybe x AKxxx Qxxxxx x is, but that's also an opening bid to me. So my other card is not the HK. I must have a diamond card! So now partner knows my hand is something like x A?xxx ?xxxxx x or x Axxxxx ?xxxx x, where I have the A or K of diamonds and may or may not have a secondary heart honor.
So you can either bid 6D to play, or you can bid 5H so that partner knows exactly what your hand is and can make the final decision. Or I guess you could pass!
FWIW none of this is contrived at all in my opinion, it's pretty amazing that within 3 calls partner can look at his hand and know exactly what I have just using basic logic.
mikeh, on 2010-November-08, 16:51, said:
(can you seriously construct a hand on which 6 is cold and S had a clear 5♦ call?)