looking for a set of destructive 2 openers brown-sticker is fine
Posted 2010-November-02, 11:49
brown sticker is fine
2C-2S available
I know wilkosz is popular. obviously it would be an option to move it to 2C though now or play something else entirely.
obviously they should work as a set.
Posted 2010-November-02, 12:12
2♣=strong any or 5-7 with diamonds
2♦=8-10 with diamonds or 5-7 with hearts
2♥=8-10 with hearts or 5-7 with spades
2♠=8-10 with spades
it's pretty fun (and when I'm saying 5-7, of course you can have less than 5 sometimes). you can perhaps put in clubs any into 2♣ if you don't need it for strong hands?
in an unrelated paragraph, another one that I liked and played with a strong club was
2♠=4 spades and a longer minor
George Carlin
Posted 2010-November-02, 12:19
Accepting this sort of perjorative labeling can only hurt the cause.
Here's my preferred methods
3♠ = Single suited with Spades
3♥ = Single suited with Hearts
3♦ = Constructive three level preempt in Diamonds
3♣ = Constructive three level preempt in Clubs
2N = Bad three level preempt in either minor
2♠ = Either 4+ Spades and 5+ Clubs or 6+ Spades
2♥ = 4+ Hearts and either (4+ Spades or 5+ Clubs) - NOT three suited
2♦ = 4+ Diamonds and either (4+ Hearts or 4+ Spades) - NOT three suited
Posted 2010-November-02, 12:42
2♣: W2 in ♣ or ♦, or both majors
2♦: Wilkosz
2♥: W2 in ♥ or ♠
2♠: 4♠ + longer minor
2NT: minors
Posted 2010-November-02, 17:13
2♣= diamonds or strong
2♦ = 5+ in either major, weak
2♥ = 4-5 clubs, 3-5 diamonds, 3-4 hearts, 0-1 spades. weak
2♠ = 4-5 clubs, 3-5 diamonds, 0-1 hearts, 3-4 spades. weak
2NT = minors, weak
Posted 2010-November-02, 18:17
2♣ - 4♥+4♠
2♦ - 4♦+4♥/♠
2♥ - Natural
2♠ - Natural
2NT - 5♣+5♦
Posted 2010-November-02, 18:56
2C = bad wk2 hearts/ bad wk 2 diamonds/constructive wk 2 clubs
2D = wilkosz
2h = bad wk2 spades/constructuve wk 2 hearts
2s = constructive wk 2 spades
i like the idea of making it tricky for RHO to float LHO's value showing double to await developments son i like the ambiguity over whether opener has the suit or not
Posted 2010-November-02, 20:09
2♦: mini multi (weak two in one major)
2♥: ♥+m
2♠: ♠+m
2NT: minors
all legal, no brown stickers

Posted 2010-November-02, 20:54
East4Evil ♥ sohcahtoa 4ever!!!!!1
Posted 2010-November-02, 21:21
2♣ - ♣ or ♦+♥ or ♥+♣
2♦ - ♦ or ♥+♠ or ♠+♦
2♥ - ♥ or ♠ and ♣
2♠ - ♠ or ♣ and ♦
Posted 2010-November-02, 21:37
2x shows 6-suit in bid -- sits a double
OR 3-suited not bid suit -- redoubles a double: SOS
OR 2-suited not bid suit -- lower suit over double: P/C
Confounding, yet paradox-type raises are possible --
this 'raise'/new suit is our spot or the correction finds the right spot.
Posted 2010-November-03, 03:29
2X = 0-7HCP, 4+X (Majors first style), never a decent hand
I've played 2M as such in the past when NV 1st & 2nd seat (2m was needed for something else). Was a lot of fun, we had lots of fun deals.
An alternative very agressive opening is the random 2♣: 0-5HCP any hand. If you're too scared you can decide opener must have some 5 card suit. You can still play 2♦ and 2M as whatever you want. I've played that a few times, until our club decided to ban BSC because of lots of old people were getting angry at us. This came up several times every session and we never got a bad board (perhaps because people didn't know how to defend). It's a perfect example of a destructive method.

Some more constructive but still agressive method is something I played a few years ago:
2♣ = 4+♣, 4+M
2♦ = 4+♦, 4+M
2♥ = 4+♥, 4+♠
2♠ = 5+♠
Comes up a lot since 4432 with values in the 4-card suits is already enough to open.
Obviously all the above are best played when NV.

Posted 2010-November-03, 03:51
2♣: weak two in a minor
2♦: weak, 5M + 4+m
2♥: weak two in a major
2♠: weak, 55+♥+♠ or 55+♣+♦
All brown sticker, all non forcing
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” (I found it!), but “That’s funny…” – Isaac Asimov
The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg
Posted 2010-November-03, 06:00
Posted 2010-November-03, 08:58
I also like
2♦ = 4-4 or longer, diamonds + a major
Posted 2010-November-03, 17:40
gnasher, on 2010-November-03, 08:58, said:
I also like
2♦ = 4-4 or longer, diamonds + a major
It is legal, and more destructive, to play that 2H is three-way, 6 hearts opening strength, weak 2S or 5-5 in the minors 0-5ish. You correct to 2S and redouble with the last named, and they are still guessing after two rounds of the auction.
And 2D as six diamonds, opening strength, weak two in major, or bad pre-empt in clubs. That still makes it safe to pass when you don't have much. Apart from the odd -700.
Posted 2010-November-03, 18:03
2D Wilkosz
2H Weak 2 in H or S
2S Pre empt in either minor
Posted 2010-November-03, 19:33
lamford, on 2010-November-03, 17:40, said:
And 2D as six diamonds, opening strength, weak two in major, or bad pre-empt in clubs. That still makes it safe to pass when you don't have much. Apart from the odd -700.
Do you mean that it's allowed in the EBU? If so, can you explain why?
Posted 2010-November-03, 22:43
the hog, on 2010-November-03, 18:03, said:
2D Wilkosz
2H Weak 2 in H or S
2S Pre empt in either minor
Would it not be more logical to play
2C Wilkosz (5+M, 5+m)
2D Weak 2 in H or S
2H both Majors 4+ 4+ 6-10
2S Pre empt in either minor
if you are showing these 4 hand types?
Posted 2010-November-03, 23:03
Zelandakh, on 2010-November-03, 22:43, said:
2C Wilkosz (5+M, 5+m)
2D Weak 2 in H or S
2H both Majors 4+ 4+ 6-10
2S Pre empt in either minor
if you are showing these 4 hand types?
Absolutely NOT!
2H as a weak 2 in either M is extremely difficult to play against. It can be passed with or without a fit. It makes action by next hand very difficult. Read what its protagonists have to say.
The mini multi as you suggest, is a doddle in the park compared to the former.
2C as Ekrens allows you to bid 2D to find your longer M fit, (if one exists).