ninja89, on 2010-November-02, 01:58, said:
1♥ is preferable to 2♣, as others have noted. After the 2♣ start, 3♦ and 3NT are normal. I think 4♣ is a much better bid than 4♦. How does partner evaluate Kxx Axx xx KQxxx for slam if opener doesn't bid 4♣ now? Opener's later 5♣ cue does not sound like the ace. The argument of "show a good suit by bidding 4♦" doesn't make much sense, since any bid over 3NT (except perhaps 4NT) implies an excellent ♦ suit... opener is not trying to say that he had a splinter raise the first time by bidding 4♣. The only way I see opener having 4♣ is when he is 74 in the minors; with 64, splinter-then-4♦ expresses the hand. (I fear I'm missing something... it's a bit strange that there's a thought that 4♣ is strongly suggestive of a strain!)
Excellent analysis so far.
The 4♥ cue is okay, too. It feels wrong with such atrocious minor holdings, but it also feels wrong to show no signs of life with three quick tricks.
Here I beg to differ. First of all quick tricks are well defined and are not playing tricks. This hand has 2.5 quick tricks. But I admit I do not care. Fact is that opener has shown at least 9 cards in the minors and very likely 10 or more. The only card which is probably working (unless opener is void in
♥, which would hardly be a big surprise) is the
♥ace and maybe one of the two major kings.
For me it feels very right to show no signs of life after having made a constructive 2/1 response. If that is all what opener needs for slam he will bid it with no further encouragement and your task will have be to avoid to get to a grand.
I definitely can't see 5♣ being a superior contract to 5♦ on responder's hand, though. What's being played for, 2074? Just bid 5♦ and trust partner to have his bids. Not to say I'm stoked with the 5♣ bid; I'd bid 4NT in an ideal world but 5♦ in the real world and not worry about responder being void, as it may still have a play. 5♣ definitely feels like it is overstating ♣.
All up, probably 90-10 to West.
Fine analysis
Rainer Herrmann