Appart from your bidding decision I am willing to know what is for you a prototypical hand for 2nd seat 4 spade opening (and if its different from 4 hearts)
Second position 4 spade opening what do you expect?
Posted 2010-October-31, 05:00
Appart from your bidding decision I am willing to know what is for you a prototypical hand for 2nd seat 4 spade opening (and if its different from 4 hearts)
Posted 2010-October-31, 07:33
Fluffy, on 2010-October-31, 05:00, said:
Appart from your bidding decision I am willing to know what is for you a prototypical hand for 2nd seat 4 spade opening (and if its different from 4 hearts)
Prototypically 8 solid and out.
I'll probably use blackwood and sign off unless partner shows 2 without in which case I'll bid 6 or 2 with where I'll bid 7.
Yes I miss it opposite some things like KQJ to 9, but things are not perfect here.
Posted 2010-October-31, 08:47
Side note: What would 5♠ mean here? I think maybe this is a case for being a trump cuebid (Meaning a void lol), and asking partner to evaluate opposite a void. I've had about 3 hands similar to this come up recently, and have yet to get one right.
Posted 2010-October-31, 08:57
But what do you expect 4♠ second position be? is a 7-4 with a not so solid suit (KJ109) possible?, a weak 8-4? or is it highly constructive?
Posted 2010-October-31, 09:02
Fluffy, on 2010-October-31, 08:57, said:
Certainly possible, many 8-4s etc... Which is why if I can bid 5♠ on a hand like this I'll be a lot happier
However, I think a minimum for me might be something like KJT9xxx - Qxxxx x... Tough to say exactly. I wouldn't call it highly constructive, but I think that it should be a hand that won't be incredibly uncomfortable if partner moves over the 4♠ opener. Somewhere between pre-emptive and constructive... "Mixed"
Posted 2010-October-31, 09:40
Posted 2010-October-31, 09:47
Here 4NT asks S-tops, not A-ask, not keys. I try that.
Posted 2010-October-31, 09:52
dake50, on 2010-October-31, 09:47, said:
Here 4NT asks S-tops, not A-ask, not keys. I try that.
So is your style to not pre-empt 4M with an outside Keycard I assume then? Otherwise it is pretty much impossible to find any outside Keycards (Unless you were to use 5♣ as RKC or something...)
Posted 2010-October-31, 11:59
Do not underestimate the power of the dark side. Or the ninth trumph.
Best Regards Ole Berg
We should always assume 2/1 unless otherwise stated, because:
- If the original poster didn't bother to state his system, that means that he thinks it's obvious what he's playing. The only people who think this are 2/1 players.
Posted 2010-October-31, 12:51
Playing some method whereby this is a preempt, lacking constructive overtones,I think this is a very close decision. Wouldn't we all open 4♠ with KQ1098xxx and out, even in second seat, equal? And that sort of hand lacks 5 level safety.
Keycard is unlikely to tell us what we want to hear, since the spade J is often going to be the key to the hand.
I'd pass playing opposite me, since I'd have the weaker of the possible hand types, and never the stronger, due to methods.
But if playing wide-range, the risk of missing an easy slam when partner has a good hand seems to me to be greater than the risk of failing at the 5-level when he has a bad hand.
I think 5♠ should be trump ask in this sort of approach...I think we may get too high (in either 5 or 6) on occasion, but I doubt we'll miss any decent slams.
Posted 2010-October-31, 14:47
OleBerg, on 2010-October-31, 11:59, said:
Opposite you I would just pray for it to make.
I would pass 4♠. Most hands with an 8-bagger would open 4♠. And there might be a problem outside trumps also.
Posted 2010-October-31, 18:02
Posted 2010-October-31, 18:12
mfa1010, on 2010-October-31, 14:47, said:
This for me.
Posted 2010-October-31, 21:49
Posted 2010-October-31, 23:46
mfa1010, on 2010-October-31, 14:47, said:
I would pass 4♠. Most hands with an 8-bagger would open 4♠. And there might be a problem outside trumps also.
Fortunately I can't play with myself.
Do not underestimate the power of the dark side. Or the ninth trumph.
Best Regards Ole Berg
We should always assume 2/1 unless otherwise stated, because:
- If the original poster didn't bother to state his system, that means that he thinks it's obvious what he's playing. The only people who think this are 2/1 players.