phil_20686, on 2010-November-04, 06:32, said:
Great a bad bid initially endplays east into showing his heart support regardless of what south does, and it works great on this hand. Not so great when partner has as stiff spade and you are off in 5h with 5dx going for 500. (bad bid is too strong, but i have a strong preference for 2NT)
I am a 1
♠ bidder, but I agree this is not a great argument in favor of 1
However, if partner has a stiff spade and you bid 1
♠ over 1
♥, guess what partner will do when South bids 5
♦. In this case you are certainly better of than if you had bid J2NT instead.
I think I am with the people who would bid 5h over 5d after the forcing pass. However, it is pretty close.
No it is not and I consider it a serious error in judgment. If West would have doubled 5
♦ after J2N accepting the DBL by East would have been close. It is also clear that you will not get rich from doubling a 5
♦ preemptor and you never know how freak such a preempt is. As here you can not even completely discount the possibility that 5
♦ has chances.
A forcing pass should show working values outside diamonds. It is not hard to place him with decent trumps and a spade honour: Qjx AKxxx x Axxx seems to give you plenty of play for 5h, and if trumps are 4-0 or something you probably weren't beating 5d. I dont mind -1 vs -1. Partner should not be passing willy nilly here.
Exactly. So why is 5
♥ a close bid?
Bidding 1s on these hands probably does have some advantages, but it can make many auctions murky. Even after 1h-1s-2s you may not be able to sort out which is your best strain for game. Partner may be only 5-3 in the majors, and if you bid 3h that might only be 5-3 also.
I admit when both sides know about their nine card fit that is useful information. But it seems to me that some are obsessed with the value of the ninth trump. This is an important asset, but not one against which all other features of a hand pale in comparison. Sometimes slam will be good on a 4-4 fit, 5-3 fit etc. and sometimes slam may be bad on a 5-4 fit.
Here after 1
♥ both sides would know about a fit in 2 suits, which gives both partners a chance to evaluate their double fit. For example they can see whether all their secondary honors (K,Q,J) are in their fit suits. Both can see whether they have extra length in the fit suit, even if they have not yet relayed that to partner. Why would that be a bad platform for starting slam investigation now? Is this really a disadvantage compared to J2N, where you only know about a single suit?
Once you now need more bids to sort out the strain you have less available for slam investigation, and having to cater to hands which may hold 4 or more card trump support in constructive slam auctions makes it harder to show 2 card support. Now 1h-1s-3d-2h could be up to 5 hearts, and when partner bids 3N you have little or no chance to investigate a heart slam compared to had you responded J2N and found partner to be 5-5 or 5-4-3-1 with a shortage in clubs.
Sorry this is not comprehensible to me. Can you clarify your examples? They seem to be a misprint.
Rainer Herrmann