How do you bid this, and how would oyu bid with the red suits of anyone reversed?
untangling the red suits
Posted 2010-October-26, 09:10
How do you bid this, and how would oyu bid with the red suits of anyone reversed?
Posted 2010-October-26, 09:44
George Carlin
Posted 2010-October-26, 10:54
gwnn, on 2010-October-26, 09:44, said:
Below is an auction using Gwnn's suggestion that South should Overcall with 2S.
Now, if you are playing Rubens Transfer Advances, the (1C)-1S auction has the MOST room for Transfers by partner( who can transfer to every suit[ other than Opener's ] if he so desires :
2C>> 2D, 2D>>2H, 2H>>2S
But, there is another bid in the Transfer Advances arsenal and that is 2NT! by Advancer which is a 4 card limit raise+:
(1C) - 1S - (p) - 2NT!
(p) - 4C! -(p) - 4NT ( RKC )
(p) - 5NT -(p) - 6S
4C! = splinter
5NT = 2 + void, obviously Cl
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Note: if Opener did not have shortness in Cl and just rebid 3D,
then North could bid a 4H! splinter which overcomes the problem in splintering in a suit
other than opps' suit ( another Gwnn concern ).
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2010-October-26, 11:10
Posted 2010-October-26, 11:27
TWO4BRIDGE, on 2010-October-26, 10:54, said:
Now, if you are playing Rubens Transfer Advances, the (1C)-1S auction has the MOST room for Transfers by partner( who can transfer to every suit[ other than Opener's ] if he so desires :
2C>> 2D, 2D>>2H, 2H>>2S
But, there is another bid in the Transfer Advances arsenal and that is 2NT! by Advancer which is a 4 card limit raise+:
(1C) - 1S - (p) - 2NT!
(p) - 4C! -(p) - 4NT ( RKC )
(p) - 5NT -(p) - 6S
4C! = splinter
5NT = 2 + void, obviously Cl
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Note: if Opener did not have shortness in Cl and just rebid 3D,
then North could bid a 4H! splinter which overcomes the problem in splintering in a suit
other than opps' suit ( another Gwnn concern ).
Switching the RED suits in ONE of the partner's hands... same auction, but slam doesn't look so good

"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2010-October-26, 11:35
1♠ 2♣
2♦ 3♥
4♣ 4♦
5♦ 5♠
But that's partly luck - the auction happens to let advancer splinter before the overcaller does.
Posted 2010-October-26, 12:24
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2010-October-26, 14:42
paulg, on 2010-October-26, 11:10, said:
Well we play that 2♠ shows exactly 4 trumps, obviously the trump is horrible, but zero wastage in clubs despite having minimum values and a side shortness I think its enough for 4♦ cue from north.
Posted 2010-October-26, 17:11
Then maybe
(p) - 4♣
and I don't know where it will end. Perhaps in the poorish slam, not sure.
Posted 2010-October-27, 04:27
2♣ is a good raise to 2 or better, 2♦ is a game try or better, 3♥ is a splinter, 5♣ is exclusion.
If either hand has the red suits reversed, it will be clear that you'll have a singleton opposite partner's game try and nobody will get excited.
Posted 2010-October-27, 04:42
Cyberyeti, on 2010-October-27, 04:27, said:
2♣ is a good raise to 2 or better, 2♦ is a game try or better, 3♥ is a splinter, 5♣ is exclusion.
On a bad day, partner will have J10xx x J10x AKxxx. Against 5♠, LHO will lead a diamond to his partner's ace, RHO will put his partner in with ♥J, and LHO will give his partner a diamond ruff. Why would you take the risk (albeit a small one) when you can find out what you need to know at the four-level?
Posted 2010-October-27, 04:56
Posted 2010-October-27, 06:27
If trumps are 3=1, the squeeze chances will be pretty good. It might go: trump to the 10, heart ducked by East and won by West, trump won in hand, heart ruff, club ruff, heart ruff, club ruff. We can now squeeze East if he was 1345, or had three heart honours with four diamonds. In that position, we'd be going down only if East was 1444 with only two heart honours, or if he was 1426
If trumps are 2-2, we still have the minor-suit squeeze when East is 2245.
Alternatively, if we're allowed to win the first trump in dummy, we might play for East to be 2425 with all the heart honours - ruff a club at trick two, then lead a high heart from hand. After he wins and returns a trump, we cash three rounds of diamonds, ending in dummy, to trump squeeze him.
This post has been edited by gnasher: 2010-October-27, 06:46
Posted 2010-October-27, 06:53
Posted 2010-October-27, 07:05
gnasher, on 2010-October-27, 04:42, said:
Point taken, although I judged (presuming it's the standard 2 card plus club on these boards, if it's 3+ this option not available) that he couldn't have that sort of hand, or he'd have had a 3♣ fit jump first time.
He could however be 4144.
Posted 2010-October-27, 11:02

Posted 2010-October-27, 11:28
George Carlin
Posted 2010-October-27, 15:46
Posted 2010-October-27, 16:25
mikestar13, on 2010-October-27, 15:46, said:
So you want to be in slam opposite J10xx Kxx Axx Axx?