Scenario---- defence to a suit contract---or a n/t contract is there a difference.
Your pard opens 1d-1n/t overcall-you pass next hand bids 2hts{Transfer]pass 2sp duly bid
passed out......... you are on lead and elect to lead 4th highest from 5 Q empty.
no other positive lead---dummy goes down with 74 ht- good spades and a little something else.
My question is Pard has his bid, but holds KJ63 hts, decl plays small,to my surprise the opener plyd the
Jack hts-ok decl wins ace--np opp makes his contract with ease 3 spades no more no less.
there is no defence to the final it a positive move for the partner to play Jack
and not the king---suppose you had underlead your Ace---and also ask question if it is a N/T
contract--------should partner play the jack if it was n/t???????????????
or is there a differential way of leading 5 to the Q as opposed to 5 to the ACE
in both cases declarer in 2spades could hold the Q hts
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do you-or dont you? partners lead
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