Posted 2010-October-21, 12:50
Playing Bart would have simplified things somewhat with this hand (BART followed 3C to show better than raise to 3c) but might not have resolved everything. Anyway, this is academic because my partner for this hand was not familiar with Bart (except, maybe, Simpson), so that wasn't an option.
I rebid 3NT under the following hypotheses: 1) If P only has 3 clubs, then I might still be able to run the suit with one loser as I have a few entries to my hand, 2) The hcps that P lacks in clubs might be located in her bid suit, spades, wasted for a club contract, not NT, or scattered around (also more beneficial in NT). HCP aren't as important on this hand as the potential of setting up the clubs and then running them in NT. So, no, I disagree with a position that NT is not a playable consideration on this hand.
Indeed, 3NT was cold on any lead (9 off the top) as opener's hand was as follows: ♠ Jxxxx, ♥ x, ♦ Axx, ♣ AK98.
Opener likely isn't moving over 3NT. She might or might not take another bid after 3C by me but, with the yucky spade suit, might be concerned about getting too high even tho we could probably gotten out at 4C if need be.
all the matchpoints to you for getting to 6C. even 5C might beat 3NT as you make + 420 (beating + 400).
Fun Hand...aka PIA
Thanks all