duck the king?
Posted 2010-October-18, 06:07
George Carlin
Posted 2010-October-18, 07:21
George Carlin
Posted 2010-October-18, 07:26

I voted that I hold the K and don't take a trick with it.
Posted 2010-October-18, 07:43
Posted 2010-October-18, 08:07
George Carlin
Posted 2010-October-18, 08:53
Posted 2010-October-18, 10:21

I suppose if want to be nitpicky, I would argue that "duck" as used in bridge is an intransitive verb, so the proper usage in either case is simply "duck", with no object. For example, "he finessed and I ducked" or "he played up to the king and I ducked".
Posted 2010-October-18, 10:42
billw55, on Oct 18 2010, 04:21 PM, said:

I suppose if want to be nitpicky, I would argue that "duck" as used in bridge is an intransitive verb, so the proper usage in either case is simply "duck", with no object. For example, "he finessed and I ducked" or "he played up to the king and I ducked".
To duck is noth a transitive and intransitive verb.
South ducks in order to sever declarer's communications.
South ducks declarer's king, severing communications.
South ducks his king, severing communcations.
I think the more common object is declarer's card but as you point out this is ambiguous. Using a possessive pronoun is simple whenever the speaker/writer needs to break an ambiguity.
Posted 2010-October-18, 12:58
Fluffy, on Oct 18 2010, 08:53 PM, said:
duck, the king

I guess that closes the file on this one!
Finding your own mistakes is more productive than looking for partner's. It improves your game and is good for your soul. (Nige1)
Posted 2010-October-18, 13:49
Posted 2010-October-18, 15:21
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2010-October-18, 15:40
What would it mean in Romanian language?
Posted 2010-October-20, 04:15
Double !, on 2010-October-18, 15:40, said:
What would it mean in Romanian language?
I haven't read much Romanian literature but I think they just say 'play small'. In Hungarian you would say a word (kihagyni) that you'd usually use for "miss" (like miss a goal in soccer/hockey) but now I'm confused as I can't seem to remember if you miss the king or the queen! I think you "miss" the trick usually but they also use both K and Q. my head is spinning!
George Carlin
Posted 2010-October-20, 10:48
YOU hold the K ( behind-- or "over the "-- Q ) and you decide not to overtake but instead you "duck the K " .
Posted 2010-October-20, 12:09
Unless explicitly stated, none of my views here can be taken to represent SCBA or any other organizations.
Posted 2010-October-20, 12:31
gwnn, on 2010-October-20, 04:15, said:
The Romanian word is "to delay" and if you want to say "delay the king" of course it means you have the king and you delay the moment that you play it.
George Carlin
Posted 2010-October-20, 15:54
(Hmm, 'Review the complete topic' button used to open a small new window, now it opens a new tab for me... annoying, but perhaps there is an option to change it back to a window...)