Hamstrung vs short diamond Live wih it, or what?
Posted 2010-October-14, 10:13
Righty opens one of those 1♦ bids. What is an effective way to handle, say, a 2-3-5-3 hand with not quite enough to stretch a 1NT overcall? The field will be getting to overcall 1♦/1♣.
Our answer, thus far, has been to pass and live with it, since opener might easily have a natural opening in diamonds. Is Double showing virtually any opening bid without a five-card major workable, or is that too much strain on advancer? Frequent 4-cd major overcalls?
(Question was given to me, but I personalized it because I don't have a good answer and would probably be hamstrung, too.)
Posted 2010-October-14, 10:24
I'd use dbl to only promise support for the majors (3-3, 3-4, 4-3, 4-4) or a very big hand. If my partner responded 2C, he'd be on his own because I might have 4-4-4-1 for instance. If he responded 2D, I would take that as a cue bid...not because it's impossible for him to have diamonds, but because we need a cue bid and partner has pass and 1N as other options.
Posted 2010-October-14, 10:39
They mentioned(during a recent Vugraph) that a number of players used 1D-2D natural over a Precision style 1D bid. They also used 1D-2H as Michaels for the majors.
The hand that I watched 'only' had a five card suit, but it was AKQ10x

Posted 2010-October-14, 11:37
East4Evil ♥ sohcahtoa 4ever!!!!!1
Posted 2010-October-14, 13:09
Untangle a few strong cases:. I'm thinking 1H as no space used can have strong cases. Dbl has other strong cases. Q-bid then some rebids are strong (2-suiters). 2NT as big H+2nd seems to fit.
Posted 2010-October-14, 13:12
If you want to change something, allow a 1NT overcall a point or so lighter. But don't double offshape.
Posted 2010-October-14, 19:34
Posted 2010-October-14, 20:07
The_Hog, on Oct 14 2010, 07:34 PM, said:
I assume you mean overcalls, since that would be on topic.
Where the people who asked me had the problems was with the not-great five card diamond suit. My original advice to just live with it seems to hold up.
I did tell them that perhaps stretching the 1NT overcall down a notch would pick up some of the slack.
Posted 2010-October-14, 22:34
Another approach when there is a balanced nt range as well as the unbalanced hands is to treat the 1♦ opening like nt and play your nt system at the 2 level (just figure out which hands that are balanced go in the 1♦).
Posted 2010-October-15, 01:31

My advice: play the 2♦ overcall natural. If you really want a michael's cuebid, use 2♥ for that.
Posted 2010-October-15, 07:25
He claims that ACBL's Mike Flader says it is legal.
C3: Copious Canape Club is still my favorite system. (Ultra upgraded, PM for notes)
Santa Fe Precision ♣ published 8/19. TOP3 published 11/20. Magic experiment (Science Modernized) with Lenzo. 2020: Jan Eric Larsson's Cottontail ♣. 2020. BFUN (Bridge For the UNbalanced) 2021: Weiss Simplified ♣ (Canape & Relay). 2022: Canary ♣ Modernized, 2023-4: KOK Canape.
Posted 2010-October-15, 13:07
Free, on Oct 15 2010, 02:31 AM, said:

My advice: play the 2♦ overcall natural. If you really want a michael's cuebid, use 2♥ for that.
Second question would be is the double of an overcalled 1♣ call for penalties

the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2010-October-16, 06:55
1M = natural
1N = overcall in either minor
2C = (15)16-18 (semi-)bal
2D = wjo in H or S; or S + minor, strong
2H = H and S weak
2S = S + minor, weak
2N = H + minor, weak/strong
3C = wjo
3D = H and S, strong
You do have to play a natural 1NT overcall at the 2 level of course...