Free, on Oct 14 2010, 06:30 AM, said:
The_Hog, on Oct 14 2010, 12:18 PM, said:
Yes I know that you want to describe your hand, and that's exactly what the 1♠ bid does. In standard methods it shows a hand with 3+♣, 4♠ and 0-3♥. Playing Walsh or something similar it would show 5+♣, 4♠ and 0-3♥, a much better description obviously. Not playing Walsh you can use the same description and agree that the 1NT rebid is any balanced hand, which seems to be your agreement.
Nobody says the 1♦ response denies 4M with 6-10HCP, so how will you find your 4-4M fits if you rebid 1NT? This is a choice you've made before you start the auction. Some people prefer to show the balanced nature of the hand, others want to find their best part score. Both methods have merit, both have their flaws. But to claim that the 1♠ bid is awful or wrong, that's a bridge too far.
I think Free put this very well.
If we're bidding suits up the line (not a style that I think is best), then I can't afford to bypass spades whenever I don't have 5 clubs...which I could if I were playing Walsh.
So I'm not seeing how Walsh has nothing to do with it.
Playing standard (suits up the line), I might occasionally decide to bypass spades...but only when I had sufficient reasons to judge that it was best to do so.
This hand is 4333 but it has decent spades (AJxx) that can help to pull trump. Even though I'm 4333, partner may have a ruffing value. Also, my hand has KQx of partner's suit and I don't have a stopper in the suit I opened. Suit play is probably best if partner has Kxxx xx AJxxx xx.
uncontested auction