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1S-2D showing hearts

#1 User is offline   straube 

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Posted 2010-October-12, 00:06

I've seen 1S-2D showing a GF in hearts or GI with 6 hearts (Sabine Zenkel does this I think) but I haven't seen many/good continuations. Know any?

The problem I see it is that the large majority of the time responder has the GF hand. The bid, however, looks like it's designed to let the partnership play in 2H. So...opener ought not be able to rebid 2H with any medium hand holding 2 hearts.

1S-2D, 2H=minimum with 1 heart?

Cuts it very fine.

and then perhaps...

1S-2D, 2S=minimum with 6 spades?
1S-2D, 2N=GF other?
1S-2D, 3m=GF natural?
1S-2D, 3H=minimum 3 hearts?

See what I mean? One has difficulty showing good hands without consuming a lot of space.

Now I always have heard how cramped 1S-2H auctions are. Why then if we devote 1S-2D into showing hearts would we include GI 6 hearts?

Maybe 1S-2D=GF hearts? Then 1S-2D, 2H can mark time...

but now we need 1S-3H=GI 6 hearts or perhaps 1S-1N, 2L-3H=GI 6 hearts? Or perhaps 1S-3H=1 spade and 6 hearts and 1S-1N, 2L-3H=2 spades and 6 hearts?


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Posted 2010-October-12, 00:49

I'd go with:

2=min less than 3; responder passes with heart invite and anything else is gf and natural
3=three or more hearts; gf based on fit; serious/non available for slam
2=min with good/long spades and short ; responder should usually pass with invite; non-pass gf
Else=nat and gf

This lets you play 2 on many invites and also keeps the bidding low on many gf sequences (mostly freeing up responder to bid 2 natural on a gf.
Adam W. Meyerson
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit

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Posted 2010-October-12, 01:01

It does look like a tight squeeze, with only 1 step to sort out the non-fit hands. (Still, it should be better than 1S-2H inv+ in SA, I suppose -- where the only real solution is to accept reaching game on inadequate values frequently.)

I experimented with 1S-1NT=4+ hearts, possibly a minimum response, 2m natural and limited, 2H artificial and game-forcing without either major (sort of like a natural 2NT bid). I was quite happy with the 1S-1NT sequences -- basically 1S-1NT-2H and 1S-1NT-3H were exactly parallel with 1H-1S-2S and 1H-1S-3S in standard -- but somewhat less happy with the 2m responses.

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Posted 2010-October-12, 01:26

I wrote an article about 1-2 on my blog, and added a paragraph about reversing the 2 and 2 meanings. You can find it here.
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Posted 2010-October-12, 04:52

My experience is that 1-2/ 2 should be forcing.

It is not worth to play it NF, covering the case of a weak responder 5-8(9) holding 6(+), loosing a huge amount of precision for other medium opener hands.

I play 2 is either inv with 52 or with 6(7) or any GF5+ without a fit with some exceptions like 3 small and a (semi-)solid suit or a heavy 3-6-2-2 without minor ctrls.

In this context, 1-2 :

2= sort of trash bid 11-15 (could hv 3 if minimum)
2= 6+GF (13+)
2NT= (15)16+ usually balanced or semi-balanced (could be 5-5 20+)
3m = 5-5m 14-16
3=5-5 17+
4m/4=splinter/5422 minimum

with 2 pages of developpement following

#6 User is offline   straube 

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Posted 2010-October-12, 11:04

well, my bad for not stipulating that we're playing 1S is limited to 10-15.

For the condition's I laid out, I like awm's structure. But I'm still not sure about the conditions. I don't like that the first two of opener's rebids show minimums and are nf.

If for example I have AJxxxx Kx Axx xx I probably want to GF as this should make a decent dummy if partner has the GI 6H hand (or give me another Jack if you think it's not quite enough). So now I have to choose between an awful 3S call or a 2N bid which doesn't tell partner about my sixth spade.

I tallied 50 hands and found that a hand with six+ hearts, 0-2 hearts, and about 12-13 hcps has

14% void spade
50% singleton spade
36% doubleton spade

I'm wondering what happens if 1S-3H shows 6 hearts, GI and void or stiff spade.

Then I can either put the 6H/2S hands in 1N (which for us is semiforcing) or I can put it in 2D.

Then 1S-2D, 2S would be 6 spades of undefined strength and it would create a GF.

But my thought would be to risk having 1N passed out with 6H/2S GI.

This makes for a much easier auction after 1S-2D GF hearts.

2H-all else
2S-6 spades
2N-5 clubs
3C-5 diamonds
3D up-fit hearts

or I suppose one could just switch the 2H and 2N rebids. Or one could allow for relays of certain of opener's hands.

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Posted 2010-October-12, 11:41


They open very light according to many reports.

It might help them to be able to stop in 2H after 1S-2D*

You gain bidding room if the auction goes 1S-2D*-2H

They also open 4+ majors.


#8 User is offline   straube 

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Posted 2010-October-12, 12:12

Our 1S-2C is a GF relay and we can pretty much relay for every single shape.

A basic question to ask is when ought we show hearts (GI+ or GF) as opposed to relaying? I would think that 1S-2D ought to be a hand that has minimal interest in slam.

Then perhaps 1S-2D, 2H can be nf.

I still wonder whether 1S-2D, 2S should be nf. It seems like it should at least be a 1-rd force. If not, what do we do with the non-minimum (maybe medium even) hands with 6 spades?

#9 User is offline   awm 

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Posted 2010-October-12, 13:12

I don't think this is as much a problem as you seem to.

1 - 2 (hearts)
2N (GF, less than 3, no 5-card minor) and:

3m = 4+ minor with 5+
.... 3 = six spades
.... 3 = doubleton heart, usually not strong in the other minor
.... 3N = good holding in other minor, usually five spades only
bidding either minor is available to show minor suit fit

3 = 6+
.... 3 = six-plus spades, but not a good enough suit for 1-2-3
.... 3N = short hearts, normally 51(34) hand
.... 4 = normal raise to game
.... 4m = cuebid for hearts, really good hand with doubleton heart

3 = 3+ with hearts and a GF, sets the suit for cuebids (like fit jump)

3N = 2533 GF hand, can be corrected to 4
Adam W. Meyerson
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit

#10 User is offline   straube 

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Posted 2010-October-12, 14:58

awm, on Oct 12 2010, 02:12 PM, said:

I don't think this is as much a problem as you seem to.

1 - 2 (hearts)
2N (GF, less than 3, no 5-card minor) and:

3m = 4+ minor with 5+
.... 3 = six spades
.... 3 = doubleton heart, usually not strong in the other minor
.... 3N = good holding in other minor, usually five spades only
bidding either minor is available to show minor suit fit

3 = 6+
.... 3 = six-plus spades, but not a good enough suit for 1-2-3
.... 3N = short hearts, normally 51(34) hand
.... 4 = normal raise to game
.... 4m = cuebid for hearts, really good hand with doubleton heart

3 = 3+ with hearts and a GF, sets the suit for cuebids (like fit jump)

3N = 2533 GF hand, can be corrected to 4

I like your structure. I think I'd use it for limited hands. Like responder has 12-15 or so. Relay (2C) with the bigger hands. Do you agree or would you choose to bid 2D even when responder had a more slammish hand?

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Posted 2010-October-12, 15:20

straube, on Oct 12 2010, 03:58 PM, said:

I like your structure. I think I'd use it for limited hands. Like responder has 12-15 or so. Relay (2C) with the bigger hands. Do you agree or would you choose to bid 2D even when responder had a more slammish hand?

It rather depends on the hand type. Strong semi-balanced hands are certainly better off to relay as you describe. Here are the hand types where I think it's better to show hearts despite having serious extras:

(1) A hand with self-sufficient hearts. This is often better off to set trumps and get opener to cuebid. Relaying gets you a lot of shape information which is typically much less useful than finding out about specific controls (which normally come much later in the relay scan). For example x AQJTxxxx Ax AJ could relay, but you mostly just want to hear about the spade ace and minor suit kings; slam is great opposite Axxxx - Kxxx Kxxx but you don't quite have five-level safety opposite KQJxx xx Qxxx KQ despite more points and a better fit. Yes you'll eventually get to a "control ask" if you relay and work this out, but it's not 100% clear you get to play in 4 and not 5 all the times when slam is bad.

(2) A very freak two-suited hand with hearts and a minor. For example suppose that responder has x AQJxxx - AQJxxx. Two round kings and slam is cold, but it's also easy to imagine a partner hand without five-level safety. With freaky distribution, showing shape and letting partner evaluate is often better than trying to relay out partner's hand. Of course, this hand is "technically" in the 12-15 range but you can see that it has serious slam interest.

(3) A pure hand with a spade fit and strong hearts. For example AKxx AQJxx Qx xx can easily produce a slam or not produce a slam. Partner holding the spade king and some minor suit controls is the key, and it's better to show this type and let him decide rather than trying to relay. For example Qxxxx Kx Kxx Axx is a great slam whereas Jxxxx xx Axx AQx is lousy despite the same distribution and control count.
Adam W. Meyerson
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit

#12 User is offline   straube 

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Posted 2010-October-12, 16:00

Thanks a lot. This makes a lot of sense to me. I think that I'd tweak your structure a bit so as to cater to those sorts of distributional hands. With a balanced hand we'd just relay. With a middling strength 1-5-(43), we could show the hearts but...


.....2N (GF)
..........3N=1-5-(43) middling strength

What do you think?

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Posted 2010-October-13, 04:55

Hanlon-Mcgann are (arguably) the top pair that play this with limited (max 16) opening bids. Their scheme is

1♠-2♦: shows 6+ hearts 9+, 5+ hearts 10-12 or 5+ hearts GF
Then 2♥: 0-2 hearts 10-14
2♠: natural
2NT: 3+ support 14-16, then 3♣ asks shape

This is probably a good starting point. A link to their cc is below if you want to see other parts of their methods...
(-: Zel :-)

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Posted 2010-October-13, 05:01

Some of my friends are playing that


shows 6+ points and 5+ hearts (and opener usually accepts simply). All I wanted to say is: don't play it like that, it is unworkable. :P
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Posted 2010-October-13, 06:16

I fiddled with a similar idea once:

1 1 = a 1NT reply
1 1NT...2 = transfer (diams = heart invite+)

but that has a few problems that I never bothered to try to solve.

#16 User is offline   straube 

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Posted 2010-October-13, 08:38

Zelandakh, on Oct 13 2010, 05:55 AM, said:

Hanlon-Mcgann are (arguably) the top pair that play this with limited (max 16) opening bids. Their scheme is

1♠-2♦: shows 6+ hearts 9+, 5+ hearts 10-12 or 5+ hearts GF
Then 2♥: 0-2 hearts 10-14
2♠: natural
2NT: 3+ support 14-16, then 3♣ asks shape

This is probably a good starting point. A link to their cc is below if you want to see other parts of their methods...

This doesn't seem workable to me. If 1S-2D can show 10 points and a 5 card suit and a 2H rebid can be 0-2 hearts, then they are either committed to playing a non-fitting 2H or 2N with say 21 hcps between them. Maybe they can only show 5 card suits when they have spade tolerance? So then 1S-2D, 2H-2S=nf? Still seems like they're bidding too much too fast.

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Posted 2010-October-14, 02:14

Lovely to see many 1-2 structures, but when will we see a decent 1-2 structure? It's possible to have a decent structure afer the natural 2 response, so 1 extra step just gives you a huge amount of possibilities and it's easy to find something that works a little better than natural. The biggest problem is 1-2 showing . Try to solve this first, and look for the rest later!
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Posted 2010-October-14, 02:58

you obviously go for it all then, 2 shows 3+ spades with whatever low range to whatever big range. 1-2 is the bid that shows diamonds, you can even differentiate 2 diamond bids: 1-2 or 1-2NT :rolleyes:

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Posted 2010-October-14, 03:36

I think some people play that

1S-2C is:
-GF bal
-GF clubs
-GF diams
-God only knows what else

In practice there is relatively few people playing 2D as hearts so I couldn't say which is more common, the 'switch' or the '2C is so low we can squeeze in everything in there I hope'.
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#20 User is offline   straube 

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Posted 2010-October-14, 09:31

Our current responses are...

2C-GF relay, balanced hands with only 5 hearts should also relay
2D-GI 6 hearts or GF 5 hearts not balanced
2H-LR (for us 11-13 if three-cd support)
2S-CR (for us 8-10)
2N-Jacoby raise
3C-club preempt
3D-mixed raise
3H-GI 3S/6H
3S-weak raise

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