Posted 2010-October-06, 09:41
All you know about the distribution of the opponent's cards is that East should have at least 7 hearts and West should have no more than 2 hearts, and that East believed his hand merited a vulnerable 3♥ call over a weak 1NT opening despite the fact that he is missing the A and K of hearts.
East could easily have 8 hearts. He could also be 74, 75, 84 or 85 in the red suits.
In any event, I believe that the holding of Qx of clubs by East is unlikely. Certainly, his holding of Qx of clubs is not something that would cause him to think his hand is "good enough" to make a vul preempt over a weak NT.
Initially, I missed the play of running the ♣J. Once you have decided to play East for club shortness, running the ♣J wins against any short holding in the East hand except the singleton Q. I voted for club A then low to 10 initially, but I can see the wisdom in running the J.
If I am in 7♠ or 7NT, I will be able to get more information about the distribution in the non-club suits before I tackle the clubs. That may effect my play in the club suit, especially if East is void in spades.
Edit: As was pointed out above, in 7♠ you may be able to ruff a heart high in the short hand for your 13th trick. If spades are 5-0, that won't be possible, since you won't be able to pick up the spade suit if you ruff a heart in the short hand.
I don't know if cashing the AK of spades in 7♠ is the right line, since it is not unreasonable that East has 8 hearts, in which case you won't be able to ruff a heart low in hand (assuming that West has long spades).
Edit: Compass directions edited after they were changed in initial post.
Ppening lead is the ♥7, there leads are top of doubleton, low from three.