contract 6♠.
LHO leads ♥x, RHO takes with the ACE and return a ♥ for LHO to ruff.
LHO plays ♣ and you take ♣A, (♣K, ♦A, ♦K all follow) ♠A,
You play small ♠ and LHO follows small.
Probability that LHO has ♠Q?
Vacant Spaces:
Also take other suits into account (HOW WRONG IS IT?):
Played ♣A: 13-1(H)-3(S)-1(C ):13-4(H)-1(S)-1(C )=8:7=0.533333
Played ♣A, ♣K: 13-1(H)-3(S)-2(C ):13-4(H)-1(S)-2(C )=7:6=0.538462
Played ♣A, ♣K, ♦A: 13-1(H)-3(S)-2(C )-1(D):13-4(H)-1(S)-2(C )-1(D)=6:5=0.545455
Played ♣A, ♣K, ♦A, ♦K: 13-1(H)-3(S)-2(C )-2(D):13-4(H)-1(S)-2(C )-2(D)=5:4=0.555556
What is the real probability of these last? Is it closer to 0.529412 or closer to the wrongly calculated?
So using your example, we know now that South had 5 hearts and is down to just one heart, either the Queen or a small and north who started with 2 hearts is down to just one heart, either the Queen or a small.
If we calculate based on known cards, as you did, there is an equal chance north has the biggest heart as there is south has the biggest heart