Zelandakh, on Oct 5 2010, 05:59 PM, said:
Val, what prevents Opener from having Kx/AKx/Kxxx/Qxxx in your example? Your sequence is not fully explained but what I can decipher of it seems to be consistent with this hand which would seem to be better played in a small slam.
On 5
♣, one kows to end up in a small minor slam at least.
So the question is : What are the risks to investigate 7?
opener cld even have KQ/AKx/Kxxx/xxxx (not odds on)
So 6NT does not rate to be that worse than 6m.
What are the tools on 5
3 sort of relays once shape is partially (44xx, 5xxx, 6xxx) knowned.
1st step : ask to complete shape
2nd step : morphing scan (quacks location)
3rd step : Kings location (by step if 1 of 3 or on a sort of crash principle if 2)
(3rd step must have to be made at or below 5NT, otherwise it's not available. 6x wld be sign off)
The most usefull realy is the morphing scan. (complete shape is rarely crucial and kings location is knowned +/- half of the time)
If a step is by-passed, no way to ask back for it. The kings location must always be made at or below 5NT otherwise it's not available. In the example, 6
♠ is an impossible bid (no
♠ fit can exist) and is a sort of patch relay for getting more information in the
♠ suit (1st step would show the king, others no)
The morphing scan works like this (a better method might exist, tx for letting me know) :
- one knows opener is min or max + total of 1-2 ctrl points
One adds to the total hcp AK points 3 hcp (= taking into account opener could hv 3 jacks as 4 woud be too rare).
In the example : 1 Ace + 3 Kings = 13hcp + 3 = 16 hcp
One knows opener is minimum, so 16 hcp with 3 jacks is possible which means in the worst case opener has no queen.
The 1st step to a morphing scan ask = worst scenario case for number of queens
2nd+ step = zoom location of other scenario(s) (only one possible here : one queen since with 2, opener wld be max)
On 5NT morphing ask :
♣ = no queen
♦ =
♣ queen
♥ =
♦ queen
... (priority for Q of longest suit, if equal order is
Once queen(s) location is ended, a new relay below 6NT is dcb for jacks. (Answers to relays ending above 6NT must bid 7
Back to the example, to investigate 7, complete shape is crucial (since with 3
♥ = no 7) which take some needed space but that's not always the case.
On 5
♠, one must judge if 6NT will be good enough.
Not the easiest/precised method but in a natural context of a 1NT opening, it works pretty fine with some (of course) unresolved cases ...
I also use the same structure after
1m 1NT(balanced GF)
2NT (12-14 if 1
♣, 18-20 if 1
where the min/max concerned is even more precised, reducing the need to use the morphing scan and making quacks location easier.
To conclude, this is far from perfect but much better than the basic confit method.
If one has examples of balanced slam+ hands to bid, do not hesitate to post it. I'll bid those and one will have a more "impartial" judgement of the relevance of all of this post.