Posted 2010-September-29, 06:48
We had a couple of bad boards, I think I was responsible for this one:
North opened 1NT, south bid 4NT, north passed. Of course 6NT was quite good, who gets the blame here?
No credit for answering hanp without showing your work.
Posted 2010-September-29, 07:03
If I was bidding this as south, I'd get to find out partner had 5 diamonds and two of the 3 missing keycards, so would not be staying out of a slam.
Edited to add our methods over 1N:
3♥ minor suit enquiry
4♦ 5♦
4♥ keycard
5♣ 2 without
Posted 2010-September-29, 08:14

Posted 2010-September-29, 09:13
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2010-September-29, 09:26
Both players could have been aggressive rather than middle-of-the-road. S could force to slam (maybe after gerber to ensure not off 2 Aces, but could still be AK red suit on lead) and N could upgrade because of the diamond suit, but both of those actions seem a little much to me.
Posted 2010-September-29, 09:27
edit: bollocks, now everyone will think I was copying Mikeh!!! I swear I started writing this post before he finished his
This post has been edited by gwnn: 2010-September-29, 09:29
George Carlin
Posted 2010-September-29, 09:29
Posted 2010-September-29, 09:46
Posted 2010-September-29, 11:09
However, I think that a combined blame of 15% is too little. Opposite a balanced 15-count, south will make 6NT 62% of the time, double dummy. That should be enough to bid slam. And north doesn't have to accept or reject at this point, he can just bid 5D, and pass if partner bids 5NT. It seems very unlikely that 4NT goes down. When north does make any sound, south has an easy 6NT call.
Posted 2010-September-29, 11:25
George Carlin
Posted 2010-September-29, 12:03
hanp, on Sep 29 2010, 07:48 AM, said:
We had a couple of bad boards, I think I was responsible for this one:
North opened 1NT, south bid 4NT, north passed. Of course 6NT was quite good, who gets the blame here?
No credit for answering hanp without showing your work.
just bad luck IMO that happens with quantitative raises.
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2010-September-29, 13:07
hanp, on Sep 29 2010, 11:09 AM, said:
On your sims, is it true that with a balanced 15-count, North will make 6NT 62% of the time, double dummy opposite South's hand?
I think this different wording applies to the hand in question, but don't know if the percentage is the same for the sim hands you used.
Posted 2010-September-29, 13:46
1NT 2♠
2♠ = range inquiry
2NT = min
4NT = how min?
6NT = good min (due to nice suit)
Posted 2010-September-29, 13:52
whereagles, on Sep 29 2010, 02:46 PM, said:
1NT 2♠
2♠ = range inquiry
2NT = min
4NT = how min?
6NT = good min (due to nice suit)
That is commonly played when not playing keri as well, 2♠ as range ask or clubs.
Posted 2010-September-29, 14:20
Slam making 62% of the time double dummy on this hand type does not mean slam would make 50% of the time in real life. Declarer has almost all the decisions and there is huge scope to gain a trick with two balanced hands when you can see all the cards. On the actual cards you pick up J10xx of diamonds onside double dummy. That's an extra 8.4% just to start.
Posted 2010-September-29, 15:00
Posted 2010-September-29, 15:46
jonottawa, on Sep 29 2010, 09:00 PM, said:
So you blame it on the richest guy? Are you a communist or something?

Posted 2010-September-29, 16:01
hanp, on Sep 29 2010, 07:48 AM, said:
We had a couple of bad boards, I think I was responsible for this one:
North opened 1NT, south bid 4NT, north passed. Of course 6NT was quite good, who gets the blame here?
No credit for answering hanp without showing your work.
Looking at just the South hand with all those Q's if North has 1 Ace and the remaining 3 Kings, 6NT should be a good bet even if North does not have a 5 card suit.
Likewise, if North has the remaining 2 Aces and 2 Kings.
So go 4C! Gerber and then 5C! for Kings... Sign-off in 5NT if it fails the criteria above.... (or sign-off in 4NT if off 2 Aces ).
Posted 2010-September-29, 16:19
Might try 6♦ or 5N (were you kidding?) with N.
My rule is that when I open 1N and pard has 17, we get to slam unless we know we're off 2.
Posted 2010-September-29, 17:09
If you want to be scientific without changing existing structure below 4NT, one idea is to use 5-level suit to say "I have a reasonable 5-card suit but I need help". So for this hand it can go 1NT 4NT 5♦, partner bids 6NT (or 6♦ in imp) with diamond fit/honor, stop at 5NT without.