kgr, on Oct 18 2010, 02:54 AM, said:
Why is Ducking ♥K clear?:
- It is standard with this suit. Always duck, except if there is a very good reason not to duck.
- It is clear on this hand?
I think it is standard. The trump king gives you control over the hand.
If declarer tries to draw trump he will have to draw too many rounds, loosing additional tricks from ruffs. If he does not your small trumps are a threat and he may loose control.
The principle is very similar as with the ace of trumps.
If you hold Axx in trumps delcarer can not just draw 2 rounds of trumps if you duck. If you hold Axxx you duck twice forcing declarer either playing two rounds of trumps or four, in which case he may not have enough tricks.
The difficult deals as usual are the exceptions where you should do something else.
Try this one, which occurred at the table:
The bidding went
East South West North
pass pass 1
pass 2
♥* pass 6
pass pass pass
* After some noticable deliberation
Opening lead
♠K (against slams you agreed to lead the K from AK). Declarer ruffs on the table and plays the
♥K. (If you duck declarer will continue with
♥Q to trick 3)
How do you defend and why?
Rainer Herrmann