Woolsey Follow-Ups
Posted 2010-September-27, 08:26
(1N) - dbl - (pass) - 2♣
(pass) - 2♦ - (pass) - 2♥
Dbl is long minor, shorter major
2♣ is pass / correct
What kind of hand bids 2♥ here and what shape do you expect?
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2010-September-27, 08:31
Posted 2010-September-27, 08:36
George Carlin
Posted 2010-September-27, 08:52
(43)24 would be more common at matchpoints, at IMPs I'd usually pass 2D.
3325 would be quite uncommon, I would almost always pass 2D.
Posted 2010-September-27, 10:31
Posted 2010-September-27, 10:55
manudude03, on Sep 27 2010, 09:31 AM, said:
Definitely not 4414, he would try to find the major to begin with.
I think he is something like 3613 or 3514 and overcaller should only pull with a singleton heart. In other words he wanted to play clubs opposite clubs but hearts opposite diamonds, but his hearts can't be good enough to insist on it or he would have just bid those to begin with. And he should have a singleton diamond, with 2+ he would just pass 2♦ if his hearts aren't good enough to big to begin with.
Therefore as usual, none of the poll options fit!
Posted 2010-September-27, 11:52
George Carlin
Posted 2010-September-27, 13:02
The choice of definition is basically: (1) play in a minor fit else partner's major or (2) play in a minor fit else my major, right? To me, (1) seems to have higher frequency of gain given advancer had the option to bid their major right away.
Posted 2010-September-27, 14:18
Posted 2010-September-27, 14:19
jdonn, on Sep 27 2010, 03:18 PM, said:
Partner was 4-3-2-4 and intended 2♥ as p/c.
I passed with 4=3=6=0

Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2010-September-27, 14:25
Posted 2010-September-28, 01:55
Posted 2010-October-01, 16:49
I held 76 76542 J T8532 and my RHO opened a strong NT. Partner doubled in fourth seat showing 5+ cards in a minor and a 4-card major. What's my best bet? I figure he's got 5 diamonds and 4 spades, after all...
Posted 2010-October-02, 09:53
According to this link, 1N dbl P 2C P 2D P 2H is p/c
Posted 2010-October-02, 10:39