help design a strong club system for non-relayers
Posted 2010-September-12, 17:19
.....1D-0-7 or 8+ 4441s
...............1S-second negative
.....1H-8+ spades
.....1S-8-13 bal
.....1N-8+ clubs
.....2C-8+ diamonds
.....2D-8+ hearts
.....2N-14+ bal
.....other-natural semipositives
I dislike this because (for example) it leaves too much room for S+ and too little for H+. It also leaves S1 for opener to show a fit (which sacrifices S1 for when they don't immediately find a fit).
Remembering that they are not interested in relaying, I thought to recommend something like...
.....1D-8+ GF other
.....1H-5-7 any
..........1S-artificial GF
..........other-natural and limited
..........2C-artificial GF
.....1N-8+ 5+/4+ majors
.....2C-8+ six diamonds
.....2D-8+ six hearts
.....2H-8+ six spades
.....2S-8+ six clubs
Keeping in mind that both utility and simplicity are goals, any suggestions? I'd also be interested in Meckwell Light if someone has a good description.
Posted 2010-September-12, 21:55
Well, why not explore the most obvious fix for that?
1D = hearts, strength undefined
1H = spades, strength undefined
1S = negative without a major.
Opener rebids 1C-1D-1H or 1C-1H-1S if he's willing to be dropped there by a bust (for instance, opener had a strong notrump pattern), otherwise bids his own suit.
I explored this in the context of a system where 1C=15+ balanced or 18+ unbalanced (which turned out to have too low of a frequency for the 1C bid for me to be happy with the rest of the system.) It might be somewhat less appealing if it leads to more wrongsiding than it does transferring. Similarly it might be more appealing if 1C included more weak/medium balanced hands, or even a fullfledged 2-way club.
Incidentally, are we only concerned with your friends' tastes and memory capacity, or also with system regulations?
Posted 2010-September-12, 22:30
1D: Any SP
......1H is GF
..........Add continuations of choice
1H: GF spades OR GF clubs OR bal 8-13
......1S asks
..........1N = GF spades
..........2C = GF clubs
..........2D+: Bal hands, a la Stayman
1S: Junk hand
1N: GF Hearts
2C: GF Diamonds
2D: GF 4441
2H: 14+ bal
BTW, I am guessing that they require 5+ for the major suit showing responses..
Posted 2010-September-12, 23:14
akhare, on Sep 12 2010, 11:30 PM, said:
1D: Any SP
......1H is GF
..........Add continuations of choice
1H: GF spades OR GF clubs OR bal 8-13
......1S asks
..........1N = GF spades
..........2C = GF clubs
..........2D+: Bal hands, a la Stayman
1S: Junk hand
1N: GF Hearts
2C: GF Diamonds
2D: GF 4441
2H: 14+ bal
BTW, I am guessing that they require 5+ for the major suit showing responses..
Yeah, they want 5-cd majors.
That structure gives more room to the semipositives and less to the GF hands.
I would be concerned that after 1C-1H opener is almost compelled to rebid 1S to find out what sort of hand responder has. If instead opener showed his own suit (say 1C-1H, 2H) then responder would have to show what he initially had as well as react to opener's suit.
I kind of like your idea of using 1N to show a 5-cd major.
1D-GF other
1N-GF 5H
2C-GF 5S
2D-GF 6C
2H-GF 6D
Posted 2010-September-13, 01:51
1D negative
1H bal or 4441
1S hearts
1N spades
2C clubs
2D diamonds
1D negative
1H no 5+major or 6+minor
1S hearts
1N spades
2C 6+ clubs
2D 6+ diamonds
Posted 2010-September-13, 01:58
straube, on Sep 12 2010, 06:19 PM, said:
.....1D-0-7 or 8+ 4441s
...............1S-second negative
.....1H-8+ spades
.....1S-8-13 bal
.....1N-8+ clubs
.....2C-8+ diamonds
.....2D-8+ hearts
.....2N-14+ bal
.....other-natural semipositives
From an old (2006) Meckwell CC:
1H 8+ 5+ spades OR 11-13 balanced
1S 8+ 5+ hearts
1N 8+ 5+ clubs
2C 8+ 5+ diamonds
2D 8-10 balanced
2H 14+ balanced
Posted 2010-September-13, 02:12
Posted 2010-September-13, 04:36
but very comfortable for me :
.....1D 0-5 or FG 9+
.....1H by 4+, 1S by 4+, all 5-9 & not GF
.....2C by 5+, 2D by 5+, all 6-8 & not GF
.....1N-flat 6-8H, not forcing
.....2H 4144, 2S 1444 : 6-8
.....2N 55+ minor 6-9
.....others : solid AKQ by 6+
and after 1C-1D :
.....1H by 4+, 1S by 4+, all 15+ & not forcing
.....2C by 5+, 2D by 5+, all 15+ & not forcing
.....1N-flat 15-20, or 444 short major 17-20, not forcing
.....2H 4+, 2S 4+, 3C 5+, 3D 5+ : all GF
.....2NT GF, 25-27 or 31+
.....3H 4144, 3S 1444 : GF
.....3NT 28-30
other flat hands openings:
1NT or 1D : 12-14 [*]
2NT 21-22
2D Multi then NT : 23-24
[*] or white : 1NT 11-13
[*] or red : 1NT 14-16, no S 4 (like Chagas)
simplicity ? i think so, but ........ )))
friendly all
Posted 2010-September-13, 09:29
petterb, on Sep 13 2010, 02:58 AM, said:
straube, on Sep 12 2010, 06:19 PM, said:
.....1D-0-7 or 8+ 4441s
...............1S-second negative
.....1H-8+ spades
.....1S-8-13 bal
.....1N-8+ clubs
.....2C-8+ diamonds
.....2D-8+ hearts
.....2N-14+ bal
.....other-natural semipositives
From an old (2006) Meckwell CC:
1H 8+ 5+ spades OR 11-13 balanced
1S 8+ 5+ hearts
1N 8+ 5+ clubs
2C 8+ 5+ diamonds
2D 8-10 balanced
2H 14+ balanced
I like Meckwell, but the continuations are probably more complex than they would like.
Posted 2010-September-13, 09:31
Siegmund, on Sep 12 2010, 10:55 PM, said:
Well, why not explore the most obvious fix for that?
1D = hearts, strength undefined
1H = spades, strength undefined
1S = negative without a major.
Opener rebids 1C-1D-1H or 1C-1H-1S if he's willing to be dropped there by a bust (for instance, opener had a strong notrump pattern), otherwise bids his own suit.
I explored this in the context of a system where 1C=15+ balanced or 18+ unbalanced (which turned out to have too low of a frequency for the 1C bid for me to be happy with the rest of the system.) It might be somewhat less appealing if it leads to more wrongsiding than it does transferring. Similarly it might be more appealing if 1C included more weak/medium balanced hands, or even a fullfledged 2-way club.
Incidentally, are we only concerned with your friends' tastes and memory capacity, or also with system regulations?
They'd be concerned about system regulations.
I think the difficulty with that structure is that it doesn't create low level forces.
For instance 1C-1D, 1H seems like it needs to be a forcing bid (whatever its meaning).
Posted 2010-September-13, 09:35
blahonga, on Sep 13 2010, 02:51 AM, said:
1D negative
1H bal or 4441
1S hearts
1N spades
2C clubs
2D diamonds
1D negative
1H no 5+major or 6+minor
1S hearts
1N spades
2C 6+ clubs
2D 6+ diamonds
I kind of like those for simplicity. I was hoping, however, to have an immediate semipositive because it ought to help them prepare for competition.
One thing they do is...
1C-1S (bal 8-13), 1N=exactly 16. With more than 16 they usually bid 2C (stayman/strength ask). They like that they get to play 1N with 16 opposite 8 but I think this sequence could be used for something better.
Posted 2010-September-13, 09:52
straube, on Sep 13 2010, 02:19 AM, said:
As I recall, Berkowitz's book has a good treatment of non-relay Precision.
Have you considered just pointing your friends at that?
Posted 2010-September-13, 10:49
hrothgar, on Sep 13 2010, 08:52 AM, said:
straube, on Sep 13 2010, 02:19 AM, said:
As I recall, Berkowitz's book has a good treatment of non-relay Precision.
Have you considered just pointing your friends at that?
My regular partner and I play our club system without relays with Berkowitz-Cohen at its core and love it. It's simple and flexible.
East4Evil ♥ sohcahtoa 4ever!!!!!1
Posted 2010-September-13, 11:58
kayin801, on Sep 13 2010, 11:49 AM, said:
hrothgar, on Sep 13 2010, 08:52 AM, said:
straube, on Sep 13 2010, 02:19 AM, said:
As I recall, Berkowitz's book has a good treatment of non-relay Precision.
Have you considered just pointing your friends at that?
My regular partner and I play our club system without relays with Berkowitz-Cohen at its core and love it. It's simple and flexible.
What's the outline of Berkowitz-Cohen?
Posted 2010-September-13, 13:02
straube, on Sep 13 2010, 08:58 PM, said:
kayin801, on Sep 13 2010, 11:49 AM, said:
hrothgar, on Sep 13 2010, 08:52 AM, said:
straube, on Sep 13 2010, 02:19 AM, said:
As I recall, Berkowitz's book has a good treatment of non-relay Precision.
Have you considered just pointing your friends at that?
My regular partner and I play our club system without relays with Berkowitz-Cohen at its core and love it. It's simple and flexible.
What's the outline of Berkowitz-Cohen?
It's ably documented in a book by Berkowitz and (Manley?)
Posted 2010-September-13, 14:17
A compensating advantage to B-C is that opener's next bid is not acceptance of a transfer. But one could use 1C-2C (diamonds), 2D (hearts) as does Meckwell.
Posted 2010-September-13, 16:40
1H: FG+, 5+S
1S: FG+, 5+H
1NT: FG+, 5+M-4+M
2C: FG+, (4441); 4M-5+m (2D ask inv Ms)
2D: FG+, BAL
2H: FG+, 5+C, w/o 4+M, UNBAL
2S: FG+, 5+D, w/o 4+M, UNBAL
2NT+ = whatever you like
Strength solution after 2 level responses: 2NT=any S/T, rest nat w/o S/T
Strong Club Semi-Positive responses:
1D: NEG; INV, w/o 4+M
1H: INV+, 4+S
1S: INV+, 4+H
1NT: INV+, 4+M-4+M
2C: FG+, 8-10; 14+, BAL, w/o 4M
2D: FG+, 11-13, BAL, w/o 4+M
2H: FG+, 5+C, w/o 4+M, UNBAL
2S: FG+, 5+D, w/o 4+M, UNBAL
2NT+ = whatever you like
Posted 2010-September-13, 17:07
Diogen_, on Sep 13 2010, 05:40 PM, said:
1H: FG+, 5+S
1S: FG+, 5+H
1NT: FG+, 5+M-4+M
2C: FG+, BAL (2D STAY, inv Ms)
2D: FG+, (4441)
2H: FG+, 5+C, w/o 4+M, UNBAL
2S: FG+, 5+D, w/o 4+M, UNBAL
2NT+ = whatever you like
Strength solution after 2 level responses: 2NT=any S/T, rest nat w/o S/T
Strong Club Semi-Positive responses:
1D: NEG; INV, w/o 4+M
1H: INV+, 4+S
1S: INV+, 4+H
1NT: INV+, 4+M-4+M
2C: FG+, 8-10; 14+, BAL, w/o 4M
2D: FG+, 11-13, BAL, w/o 4+M
2H: FG+, 5+C, w/o 4+M, UNBAL
2S: FG+, 5+D, w/o 4+M, UNBAL
2NT+ = whatever you like
FG responses-I think the 1H response needs to be reserved for something that occurs more frequently that a S+. I'm also concerned about having to bid 2S with something like Axx x KQxxx Qxx because we're running out of room too fast. Using 1N as 5M/4M seems duplication because this structure lets responder name his 5-cd major cheaply enough.
Semipositives-I would worry here about being able to enter a GF after any of the 1-level responses.
Posted 2010-September-13, 17:10
1H-any 5-7 hcps
1S-any 0-4 hcps
How would you assign 1D, 1N, 2C, 2D, etc?
Posted 2010-September-13, 18:16
straube, on Sep 13 2010, 01:17 PM, said:
A compensating advantage to B-C is that opener's next bid is not acceptance of a transfer. But one could use 1C-2C (diamonds), 2D (hearts) as does Meckwell.
B-C have a section in their book that suggests transfer responses as a potential alternative to natural responses. This is what I started out using.
If you liked those particular responses to 1C (I don't) then I think Richard's MOSCITO has similarish responses to start, which could then be tweaked? I could be horribly mistaken though and I'm definitely far too lazy to look up if I'm right or not

East4Evil ♥ sohcahtoa 4ever!!!!!1