Posted 2010-September-08, 07:32
Auction was ok, so was the lead of the diamond Ace.
If you continue with diamonds, it would be better to cash the king of diamonds,
you have 7 diamonds, declarer will have at least 3 with the Queen, from the
missing 3 diamonds you have seen 2.
If you continue diamonds, you plan to estaphlish the suit, if p showes out, he has
the chance to tell you something (worthwhile?), so a low diamond makes no sense
at all, since if p showes out, you have given up the tempo, and declarer still has
a stopper, if p does not show out, the low diamond did not cost.
Another point is, that most likely it does not really matter, what you will do a trick
2, you will usually beat the contract, they have at most 20HCP between them, and
declarer being bal., with few entries to dummy.
But playing MP, you may need to beat the contract -2 (see PS).
So if you dont likey to continue with diamonds, I would suggest, that you try to
kill the communication, and the only 100% entry to dummy is the Ace of hearts.
P controls clubs, you control spades and diamonds.
So it it is either diamond or hearts, most likely I would go with the diamonds.
With kind regards
PS: P did not double 3NT, which means, he wont have 6 or more HCPs, where
to draw the line is a bit hard to say, but given your 3D bid together with the
dummy, I guess p should have pulled the red card out of the box.
If p would have found the red card, -1 would be a good score for sure.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
P P 1♣ X
1♠ P 1NT 3♦
3♠ P 3NT P