awm, on Aug 26 2010, 12:43 PM, said:
It seems very clear to me that either of 2♦ or 1NT is better than 2♣.
How is it so clear that 2D is better than 2C? Most of your arguments against 2C are also arguments against 2D. For instance:
-2C risks playing a 4-3 fit at the 3 level opposite an invite. Well, 2D risks playing a 5-2 diamond fit at the 3 level opposite an invite.
It's true a 5-2 fit will probably be a little bit better than a 4-3 fit, but this is a case against bidding 2D with 5 also.
-2C risks playing a 3-3 fit when partner is 5413 despite a 4-4 heart fit. Well, 2D risks playing a 5-1 fit.
Again, it's true that a 5-1 fit is probably better than a 3-3 fit, but all 6 card fits kind of suck! And to one up you, ill point out that 2D risks playing a 5-0 fit (5305 etc), whereas 2C will never reach a 3-2 fit.
-2C makes it very hard to find a 4-4 heart fit even if partner is invite plus.
What? Partner invites or 4sf's, and we bid THREE HEARTS, showing 4 hearts. Very complicated. This is the exact same way we show 4 hearts after bidding 2D. I don't understand your point at all here.
-2C does not substantially limit the hands strength.
That is a good argument until you think about it. 2D on average has more playing strength than 2C because we are showing a 6 card suit. While 2C can have more HCP, partner is usually keeping the bidding open with a false preference and not worrying about the top of our range in terms of HCP since we'll bid again on those hands. The hands where he cannot false preference and must invite light will almost always have a good club fit, or a stiff diamond. In both of those cases I'm happier playing 3C than 2D in general. Yes, there was a hand posted where partner was 5224 and just good enough to invite and only had 4 clubs, and it was just weak enough to pass 2D. But my point remains the same.
So while 2C is less limiting in HCP, it also projects less playing strength on average, and usually gets a false preference to keep the bidding open if partner is catering to us having a lot of HCP, or a light raise with short diamonds where 2D wouldn't be very good anyways.
-Will often reach a light 3C because partner is compelled to raise. Well, the same is true by bidding 2D, partner will be compelled to raise soemtimes and we will get to 3 where bidding 2C would have just gotten a 2D bid from partner.
This is exactly the same as the point before though, but imo 2D will get a lot of light raises on hands where we could have just played 2D had we bid 2C, whereas the hands where 2C gets a light raise often 3C is better than 2D anyways since partner will have short diamonds. Again, when we show 6 diamonds partner will try for game with a hand like Axxxx Kxxx Qx xx whereas over 2C he would just bid 2D.
Part of the reason for trying for game light with 2 diamonds is because he expects us to have a source of tricks in 3N, and part of it is to keep the alive in case we have a major suit fit.
But this seems like a stupid way to evaluate which is better, listing some downsides of bidding 2C and then saying obviously 2D or 1N is better.
I could just as easily only list the downsides of 2D or 1N and nothing else, and come to the conclusion that 2C is clearly superior.
It is "obvious" to me that 2C will get us to better partials on average. Partner is not passing with only 1 more club than diamond, and will often have 3 more clubs than diamonds (1-4 in the minors, 1-5 in the minors, 2-5 in the minors etc). If he has 2 more clubs than diamonds, diamonds will rate to play better, but I do not think of the difference as huge (certainly not as big as getting to the longer fit when we have one).
It is also "obvious" to me that if partner is going to invite/game force, bidding 2C then 3H is a much better description of our hand than 2D then 3H, because partner knows much more about our shape (short spades for sure, 4 hearts for sure, basically we can be narrowed to 1453, 1444, 0454).
While it is not obvious to me which of 2C or 2D will induce a light raise more often, much of the time that we do get raised from 2C to 3C, 3C is still preferable to 2D, whereas getting raised from 2D to 3D when we could have played 2D will always lead to an inferior contract.
But then again I feel that I have had this exact conversation with gnasher. Here is the thread: