Posted 2010-August-02, 08:12
it goes
2♣ was unalerted, you're all vulnerable matchpoints.
your LHO is a good player and your RHO looks like she's his aunt, and pretty clueless (sorry). you feel it's quite likely that she forgot about 2♣ strong and she thinks it's a weak two.
what would your general plan be in this situation? offline bridge, no screens.
George Carlin
Posted 2010-August-02, 08:26
- she didn't see the bid OR
- they're playing precision or stuff
In any case you have an easy pass, so do that.
Posted 2010-August-02, 08:37
if you ask what 1 level bids mean you realise that they are playing SAYC.
I did not want to do this because I saw she was rather new to the game and did not want to bother her with questions she did not really know the answer to.
George Carlin
Posted 2010-August-02, 08:47
If she says something weak then you're protected from wrong explanation and you can bid safely as you would obviously pass if it was strong.
If she says strong, then she'll have a reason to pass so I would want to bid.
No reason to get pwned by LOLs imo.
Posted 2010-August-02, 08:59
(it will say strong, and you pass).
So many experts, not enough X cards.
Posted 2010-August-02, 09:00

George Carlin
Posted 2010-August-02, 09:00
bid_em_up, on Aug 2 2010, 03:59 PM, said:
Posted 2010-August-02, 09:06
By the way, if 2♣ has some bizarre meaning, there wasn't an alert, and you are damaged - you are getting an adjustment.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2010-August-02, 09:13
Phil, on Aug 2 2010, 04:06 PM, said:
Not sure which 2♣ openings are alertable in Iceland.
But since we know that RHO is clueless and wouldn't know whether 2♣ is alertable or not, we have to protect ourselves.
Posted 2010-August-02, 09:14
I pass.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2010-August-02, 09:24
Posted 2010-August-02, 10:12
Practice Goodwill and Active Ethics
Director "Please"!
Posted 2010-August-02, 10:18
JoAnneM, on Aug 2 2010, 11:12 AM, said:
The last word is sanity

the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2010-August-02, 10:20
JoAnneM, on Aug 2 2010, 11:12 AM, said:
Hmmm? They didn't accidentally pass, then I would feel a little sympathy. She just thought pass was her best action so she passed. Why do you feel bad for them?
As for the question of what to do, I don't think pass is totally automatic by us. If I bid 3♦ then opener will have to show his hand a level higher. They will have a harder time reaching the normal contract and even if they do I have bought myself a free diamond lead or perhaps good sacrifice. Pass probably has a higher expectation but it's also higher variance, you will occasionally get a bottom for no particularly good reason. Bidding 3♦ is probably an average or top type of action.
Ok I don't know how I almost talked myself out of pass lol. Pass!
Posted 2010-August-02, 10:24
jdonn, on Aug 2 2010, 11:20 AM, said:
Higher than what? Than after the auction (2C) P (2D) 4D?
I don't think the devil will be hiring you as an advocate any time soon.
Posted 2010-August-02, 10:32
JoAnneM, on Aug 2 2010, 11:12 AM, said:
I would expect 3♦ to be strong in balancing position.
To all those who are asking about the 2♣ bid, would you balance if you knew:
1) 2♣ was natural and showed 11-15?
2) 2♣ was artificial and forcing?
Posted 2010-August-02, 12:02
If 2♣ is strong as in most non forcing ♣ systems, I have a WTP pass.
.. neilkaz ..
Posted 2010-August-02, 12:51
To all those who are asking about the 2♣ bid, would you balance if you knew:
1) 2♣ was natural and showed 11-15?
2) 2♣ was artificial and forcing?
Maybe I would want to be at the table or know state of the game, field, or pard's mood, (or the phase of the moon) but if 2C was surely strong and artificial and RHO knew it, and seemed to pass with presumably something like xx xx xx xxxxxxx, I would NOT feel good passing:
1) 2C is sometimes as little as a shapely 20-21 count these days, but even if its something like 23 balanced this day, the missing HCP are positioned well for us and poorly for declarer such that:
a) at other tables where the bidding proceeeds more normally, they may likely be getting too high and going minus as a result
b ) the contract of 2C might be a good spot for them as a result
c) unless all the HCP for pard are quacks, we may do OK in a diamond contract at the 3 level
2) Perhaps knowing LHO better would help, but if they are likely to bid over 3D or 4D, and go down because of pard's possibly good-quality well-positioned 10 HCP, let's make him guess to do that. We're likely headed for no worse than an average with this plan, and while passing 2C "could be" a top, it could also be a bottom. If I had a 65% game with 1 round to go, I think I'd protect it by bidding.