Collusion happens all the time. If it is just on the level of sharing hole cards and nothing else, it does not give you much of an edge at all.
If order to gain substantial advantage via collusion, you would have to change the way you play also. For example, if your partner has AK, you fold AQ. If you want to take it further, you can trap people between you (a classic limit hold em collusion). However, the more you do this the more obvious it is.
If you suspect people of colluding, you report it. The poker sites will look into this, and they can see what hands you're playing/folding. People can also do statistical analysis of how often certain things are happening, and that can make it obvious.
For an example of this go here:
cliffs: Stoxtrader, well known player who has written books and ran a 7 figure a year business in training/video training was caught initially by 2+2ers and banned. His company/brand name then merged with a different site (cardrunners) and no longer exists.
Every now and then you get an email from a site that you have received a refund because they caught some colluders.
So basically the more edge you try to gain, the more likely you are to get caught. You can gain a minimal edge without ever getting caught though, but it's not enough to worry about.
Recently a big group of colluders in double or nothing sit n go's were caught. This is a far worse crime since you can gain massive edge through chip dumping in those. But again, statistical analysis was able to make it obvious what they were doing.