Being the partner of the player being discussed during this hand, I have received approval from this individual to post the following facts. I have done my best to not have opinions be part of any of the information below, just facts.
1. All of the 8 boards shuffled at that table at the start of the second quarter were shuffled with all four players present. (North: Bud Hinckley, South: Howard Piltch, East: Jim Krekorian, West: Judith Bianco. I believe the Lall's were playing North/South at the other table.)
2. Mr. Piltch did make and shuffle Board 8 only out of the 8 boards. Board 5 was the board being discussed.
3. As Mr. Piltch's partner, I probably shuffled three of the 8 boards and have no idea if I shuffled Board 5 or if it was one of the two opponents that shuffled it.
4. When I shuffle boards, it is always with a minimum of five shuffles, then I place the cards on the table in clear view of all at the table, make a clear cut of the cards so that I don't know what the bottom card is, then deal the cards in a normal fashion of four piles of cards in rotation.
5. The 6D bid made by Mr. Piltch was deliberate over the opening 3S bid. It was NOT the result of pulling the wrong cards out of the bidding box.
6. Our team started the second quarter 46 imps behind.
7. This was Board 5 of the set, and we had picked up a likely small to moderate gain on the first board with likely pushes thereafter on the next three boards before Board 5 was played.
8. Mr. Piltch's reason for the 6D bid, due partly to the state of the match, was that partner was likely to not have much club length and would often have some diamond length, and that with an expected spade lead and not a heart lead, that if dummy comes down with any five diamonds or four diamonds to the king that a diamond slam would have at least fair chances with heart losers being pitched on the club suit. Also, if dummy had a doubleton club, Kxx of diamonds and the heart king, that 6C would not normally make, either.
9. The only disciplinary action taken against Mr. Piltch by the ACBL or any other bridge organization in the past was due to a sexual comment deemed politically incorrect about a lady in the presence of only three male bridge players at the table during a tournament. This occurred during the 1990s. Mr. Piltch's discipline was expunged when the finding was reversed upon appeal. Furthermore, Mr. Piltch has never been disciplined for matters of ethics.
10. The reference to the boxed card in 1996 happened AFTER Richard Colker became National Recorder, so no recorder was "sacked" due to this incident. Mr. Rosen who was the previous recorder was sacked, but not because of this incident which happened the year after Mr. Rosen was sacked. Mr. Pitch never appeared before the Ethical Oversight committee due to this incident or at any other time. Mr. Brown was ACBL president at the time and not Mr. Cook as has been alleged.
This post has been edited by BudH: 2010-July-28, 11:19