nige1, on Jul 19 2010, 06:42 PM, said:
- (_P) 1♣ (2♦) 4♠
(6♥) AP
(or something similar) Michael Rosenberg passed as dealer with ten ♥ but jumped to 6♥ over my 4♠. AFAIR 6♥ went one down.
- (_P) _P (1♦) 6N AP
I struggled home in 6N when dummy appeared with an Ace and other goodies. An opponent asked my partner, Ian Thomson, why he hadn't raised to seven. He explained that we played weak jump overcalls.
I've twice passed 10 card suits as dealer (I've held 3 so far, one of each of the shapes) then arrived at the 6 level.
♣ was one auction +920 losing IMPS because it was doubled at the other table, my hand was void, Ax, x, AKJxxxxxxx.
AQJxxxxxxx, void, void, xxx
You know from the auction partner has an 0454 18 count, but not his precise high cards so you opt for 6
♠. This gets doubled on your right, they don't find the club lead, but partner's hand is void, AQxx, AQJxx, KQxx so you only have 2 discards, -1 for a bottom with RHO holding
♠Kx. Somebody I now partner on occasions got the room bottom the other way, similar auction, but his partner led a trump.
Then of course there's the old chestnut of the unopposed 1N-2N-6N playing weak no trump, where you've opened one so filthy you forget you've opened it, and raise partner's "opening" 2N to 6.
1♣ - (P) - 1♦ - (P)
6♦! - All Pass