mikeh, on Jul 17 2010, 05:28 PM, said:
When discussing this hand after the event (opener passed, unsuccessfully) the doubler argued that:
Any thoughts? The partnership would like to resolve this question:)
I can volunteer this.
Agree with gnasher that this is a situation where you probably can't cater for all penalty possibilities at the same time. Thus, it's perhaps best to keep it simple. And your agreements are simple, so you should be able to solve this adequately, though maybe not optimally.
I would see this as:
Dbl = "I can axe them in one of the suits."
Pass to 3
♣ = "well, I sure can't axe them in clubs."
Then resp can think along these lines: "If you can't axe them in clubs, they've found their best suit. I'd like to make an optional double, in case you got some left-over clubs but I can't. So that leaves me with bidding 3
♦, 3
♥ or 3NT. Let me pick the one I think it's best."
Now that I think of it, I remember being once in a similar situation. I also doubled with something like pard's hand. Pard took me seriously and passed for an overtrick
Conclusion: I see your pard's point, but honestly he is trying to arguing/find a way to cater for all situations and I think that can't be done. Besides, the sort of reasoning he did to justify his double as optional is, in my opinion, pretty much irresponsible. At table you don't do that sort of thing. You avoid disasters and mudding the waters.
By the way, I'm familiar with your system of (dbl = pen in one, pass+dbl = pen in both), but I see a minor flaw of it. If advancer sees RHO in his side of the curtain salivating in
1M 2NT pass
he might very well consider passing as well.