In han's post, he noted that 7♦ makes while 7NT did not. We can gather from that fact that the spade king was offsides (else 7D, 2C, 1H, 3S). In the bidding contest, the spade king has to be somewhere (when bidding is over, you can see the king). So if this hand was in the contest, you would say "yes 7NT is top spot" if the king was onside, or whoops 7D is better if the spade king is offside.
The fact is, ideally we (me?) will try to come up with the best spot for the hand, and the placement of cards in the actual NS hands shown at the table are immaterial.
So for this hand, I would ignore the possibilty of 8-0 club suit (♦ ruff at trick one) but would at least consider a possible 6-0 spade split, but I think I would not factor that in either. So 7NT is top (tie for) or bottom 1/2 time each. So I would award an "average" of 6 out of 12 for 7NT.
For 7♦ it makes all the time, being the best contract half the time, and being a very good second best the other half the time. I would award it a 10 out of 12.
Then 6NT is never optimal, and in fact, when it makes, 7NT makes (some squeeze chance when spade King is offside by ducking first heart or not getting a heart lead makes it easy). So I would reward 6NT just less than 6D, but 3NT beats 5D, and all games beat any partscores... Then you have to start factoring in 6S contracts. You could win heart ace and duck a spade, type of thing. And here the possibility of a diamond ruff becomes very real (either opening lead or after losing spade hook). There are even long spades to the king to consider or if someone can hold up the spade king for a round or two... So I would give 6S a lower score.
Off the of my head I would come up with somthing like this:
7D = 10
6D = 7
7N = 6
6N = 5
6S = 4
3N = 3
5S = 2
5D = 1
others = 0
Obviously if you were bidding this hand in the contest, you might reasonably think something is underscored or overscored. For instance, you might feel 6S is certainly going to score better than 6D h higher percentage of time and deserves to be moved higher than 4 on average. OR I might decide 7D is rare enough to award it 11 (not 12 because sometimes 7NT will make). Or maybe you feel that at matchpoint 6S is safer than 6N, making sometimes when spade king is offside, etc.
I have not doubt I will get many wrong, but it is a thankless job. I have already had two messages lobbying for certain contract to rated higher (than they anticipate I will score them). I feel like this type of discussion will be great fun when the hands are posted. So mabye we might want to delay the start of next round until the discussion of last round reach a conclusion about the scores. Because I couldn't commit the kind of time needed to calculate exactly (or even close to exactly, because opening lead will affect the scores on many hands) the odds of different contract.
I just fall back on this is meant to be fun, and provide us with entainment value... and if not, well and I am use to having stones cast at me.. I move slow but duck fast.