Hanoi5, on Jul 9 2010, 11:03 AM, said:
If there'll be N/S and E/W how are pranksters (?) going to be handled? What if I enter EVERY auction the opponents have? I'm not saying psychs HAVE to be prohibited but probably limited. Maybe negative points for pairs who get in the way of others auctions and get doubled in ugly contracts...
Another thing is: MP's or IMP's? Generally speaking most of these contests in magazines are thought of in MP's, is it going to be the same here?
hrothgar mentioned evaluation based not only in results but also in the process. Evaluation terms have to be very clear then. Do all hands have the same value? 10 as in challenge the champs?
Where are the hands coming from? I'd love to participate as a contestant but if you want me to I can help getting some hands from BW's, IPBM's, etc.
Contest will be at a teaching table with the moderator sitting in both North and South seats. On some hands there will be competitive bidding, that will be entered by the moderator at the appropriate time.
For scoring, each hand will be worth 12 points maximum, with six for what would be "average" in a strongish game. The 12 point score will be extremely rare. Hitting the top spot will generally earn 10.
To keep it simple, I think we probably shouldn't switch between imps and matchpoints, as the moderator (whoever that is for each pair) would have to remember to tell them when the switch occurs, so I am thinking matchpoints (the math is easier to figure out odds for matchpoints in calculating score anyway). The scoring will only score result ---not the process to get to the result --- those who want to critique the process can do so when the contest hands are posted in the forum.
Hands will come from real play, as i don't want to have to enter them manually. Obviously not recent vugraph etc, because someone might remember those, but probably from older online games. And of course, any hands submitted in lin or pbn format by forum members can be considered/used as well.
As for format. I initially was thinking about all pairs bidding the same set of hands over about a week, and either declaring a winner or eliminating about half the field, and doing it all over again. But that is less hands in the long run to discuss in the forum. Now I am considering
a double elimination event with pairs battling each other -- with sudden death hands in the case of tie -- one hand at a time until a winner is obtained. Double elimination gives someone a chance to come back via the loser bracket. Ideally 8 pairs would give us 14 unique contest. Most other reachable number of contest will involve giving at least one pair a bye. In this situation, we will establish a fair but random way to pick which pair(s) get a first round bye -- or maybe better we could have a three way contest with one winner (or two losers) whichever works out best for the double elimination bracket setup with a difficult to setup bracket.