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Posted 2010-June-19, 23:04
Posted 2010-June-19, 23:09
aguahombre, on Jun 20 2010, 12:04 AM, said:
You can open the bidding with a double?
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2010-June-19, 23:20
Posted 2010-June-19, 23:23
Posted 2010-June-20, 00:29
Posted 2010-June-20, 01:09
Posted 2010-June-20, 05:52
Posted 2010-June-20, 05:56
I can understand pass, but double seems awful. What is it supposed to gain?
If partner has four hearts, a doubleton spade, and the values for game, he will bid Stayman. If he has three spades with four hearts, we're probably better off in notrumps, where our spades will be worth a trick rather than getting ruffed away.
If I'm unlucky enough to find him with 2-4 in the majors and not enough to invite, 1NT may still be OK - when RHO gets in and runs his spades, I expect I can find some losers to throw on them.
That covers the hands where partner has four hearts. If he doesn't, 1NT is far more likely to be the right spot than two of a minor. And I wouldn't particualrly want to hear him compete to three of a minor over 2♠.
Posted 2010-June-20, 07:09
gnasher, on Jun 20 2010, 11:56 AM, said:
Enter the auction at a low level without comiting us to a hopeless game.
I'd love to play 1NT but 1NT is 16-18 for me, sure I can upgrade some 15s into the range, but they are not quacky 4333s without well placed honnors in the spade suit nor any intermediates, 1NT is a gross overbid IMO. Enough to say I'd consider opening 1♣ for 12-14 balanced if RHO passed.
double might make partner too excited towards competing looking at his spade shortness when we have a defensive spade trick that won't work when we declare, that is a risk obviously, so pass is also a good option, I'd try a dobule but pass is appealing as well.
Posted 2010-June-20, 07:12
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Posted 2010-June-20, 07:41
Posted 2010-June-20, 08:23
Little Kid, on Jun 21 2010, 12:41 AM, said:
What do you mean by pessimistic? I'm sure you'd agree that this 4333 15 count isn't so great and we might be feeling a bit sick if this 1NT is passed out because our hand is the sort of hand in which the tenaces don't have much control (as in we have K's rather than AQ so when the defence leads a spade, we still need time to firstly get to dummy and then lead a card towards our AJ/K/K) and we might've been better off in our 4-4♥ or 5-3m fit.
We are all connected to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically.
We're in the universe, and the universe is in us.
Posted 2010-June-20, 09:03
Something else that may have biased my choice to 1NT is that I will double with almost anything, like bad 3343 12-counts or 1444 10-counts. Then I almost have to bid 1NT on these kind of hands to take some pressure off the Double so partner won't hang me too often in case I have a bit extra.
Posted 2010-June-20, 09:17
George Carlin
Posted 2010-June-20, 09:20
Basically if I viewed this hand as a double I would think it's right on values. Opening and overcalling 1NT are very different things to me.
We are all connected to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically.
We're in the universe, and the universe is in us.
Posted 2010-June-20, 10:10
When 1NT is the right contract you won't always get there after a double. If LHO is not going to raise ♠s, chances are partner has some ♠ length and is going to be playing your 4-3 fit with a lot of common 4432/4333 hands. This hand is a 4333 with scattered values, not the perfect hand for a suit contract anyway.
Having said that I don't think there is a huge difference between Doubling and 1NT, I just have a preference for 1NT.
RHO deals and opens 1S.