I subbed for a tourney tonight and only played the last two hands, which were scored as 51.6% and 50% respectively. However, then my AVERAGE was said to 49.73%?! Can anyone tell me how this can be?
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tourney scoring
Posted 2010-June-30, 15:48
figured it out today...the pair is given an "identity" as a pair and given a place in the sequence of hand, whoever happens to be playing in the pair is just put into that sequence in the movie. The scores that transferred to "my hands" were correct (I think..that's what happened today in another tourney I subbbed for). This makes sense as otherwise it would really be impossible to score a pair. I should have been able to figure that out , but then I asked a "yellow" and he didnt know either so there you go..
Posted 2010-June-30, 15:53
your average ends up being the average of your boards plus the previous player boards
i used to know a player at bbo who often complained that he was leading a tournmanet at the second to last board, lost connection and, in the end the subs name appeared as the tournament winner.
i used to know a player at bbo who often complained that he was leading a tournmanet at the second to last board, lost connection and, in the end the subs name appeared as the tournament winner.
Posted 2010-July-02, 16:01
So, if you sub in a tournament that gives ACBL and/or BBO masterpoints, do you get the masterpoints that might have been primarily earned by someone else?
Posted 2010-July-02, 21:32
In the ACBL games, the person who plays the majority of the boards, is awarded the masterpoints. If a person pays for an entry, disconnects, and the sub who replaces the person (who paid the entry fee) subsequently plays the majority of the hands, and is awarded the points for the game, *and* I know about it, the original player (the one who paid the entry fee) is typically given a refund for the game and the player who plays the most boards is awarded the points.
If a sub comes in on one of the latter hands, and is awarded the points even though the original player played the majority of the boards, then one of them - the original player or the sub (or the original player's partner) needs to let me know so I can get the points transferred to the correct player.
Hope that is not too convoluted. The important part, as it stands now, is that in any of these situations, I need to know so I can do whatever is necessary - refund or points transfer, to make sure the correct person is given the masterpoints. A quick email to jacki@bridgebase.com, will do the trick.
If a sub comes in on one of the latter hands, and is awarded the points even though the original player played the majority of the boards, then one of them - the original player or the sub (or the original player's partner) needs to let me know so I can get the points transferred to the correct player.
Hope that is not too convoluted. The important part, as it stands now, is that in any of these situations, I need to know so I can do whatever is necessary - refund or points transfer, to make sure the correct person is given the masterpoints. A quick email to jacki@bridgebase.com, will do the trick.

Posted 2010-July-03, 07:13
babalu1997, on Jun 30 2010, 04:53 PM, said:
your average ends up being the average of your boards plus the previous player boards
i used to know a player at bbo who often complained that he was leading a tournmanet at the second to last board, lost connection and, in the end the subs name appeared as the tournament winner.
i used to know a player at bbo who often complained that he was leading a tournmanet at the second to last board, lost connection and, in the end the subs name appeared as the tournament winner.
Wow a NEW way to win MASTERPOINTS

"Tell me of your home world, Usul"
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
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