You are east.
The bidding went:
1NT - Dbl - 2♥ - pass
pass - pass
(Dbl showed a strong hand, 2♥ was signoff)
Partner leads the ♦5 (3th/5th) and you get the following view:
Scoring: MP
Declarer thinks for a few minutes, and finally plays ♦A (you play the ♦Q - do you agree?).
Now declarer plays ♠8 from dummy. You had a lot of time to think about the hand at trick 1, but were you prepared for this? Do you duck or do you play the K?
At the table I was South. Although my RHO is one of the better players in Belgium, he wasn't prepared for the ♠8. It took him several minutes to decide what to do. I'll give the full hand later.