MFA, on Jun 1 2010, 06:05 AM, said:
For me the most important thing is that 4♣ is a big underbid. If it were approximately right on values I could easily live with not being so flexible since the upside of introducing such a strong suit is great.
When we have this 'monster', and yes it is a monster with all those controls and the good shape, it's very convenient to state that 4♣ shows strong values. But it doesn't. Or at the very least it shouldn't do. Without the ♥A we would have had a routine 4♣ call. We must be able to compete with shortness in their suit and reasonable playing strength.
4♣ is clearly NF and will quite often get passed...
When we have this 'monster', and yes it is a monster with all those controls and the good shape, it's very convenient to state that 4♣ shows strong values. But it doesn't. Or at the very least it shouldn't do. Without the ♥A we would have had a routine 4♣ call. We must be able to compete with shortness in their suit and reasonable playing strength.
4♣ is clearly NF and will quite often get passed...
I guess this is what I don't get here. Sure, 4C is "nonforcing", but is partner really going to pass very often when we have a game? Give partner hanp's example hand--xx AJxx Qxxx xxx--and he may very well pass 4C. Which seems to me to be just about as good a spot as anything else. To me, opener taking a free bid in a new suit above 3NT shows a very good hand, not just "reasonable playing strength." It seems backwards to me to say that 4C doesn't show a good hand, but then argue that you must strive to compete with shortness in the opponent's suit--THAT, to me, is the hand that should be doubling, the 5314 hand without significant extras. Maybe that's an unusual position, I don't know. If that's the case--that 4C doesn't show significant extras--then I would choose double. I'm not sure I understand hanp's argument about missing 4H though, why is this contract impossible after 4C?