Posted 2010-May-10, 19:27
General auctions...
1 major opening - double
1 major overcall - double
Any low level overcall (starting with the cuebid)
Interference over your 1NT opening (transfer lebensohl)
2NT rebids
Specific auctions (just our side bidding)...
1♥ - 1NT - 2♠
1♥ - 1♠ - 2♣
1♥ - 1♠ - 2♦ - 2NT
(last two from the other thread)
Anyone got more good ones that could easily be applied to (otherwise) standardish auctions?
Posted 2010-May-10, 19:58
Sam and I play this in our strong club system, but there's no obvious reason it doesn't apply to standard methods, especially over the opening that's very often a weak notrump (1♣ in standard). It gets a lot of the advantages of negative free bids without many of the disadvantages, although you do lose a bit when responder has the cheapest transfer suit (i.e. if 2♦ is the first transfer, then when responder has diamonds).
1M-2♣-transfer (unobstructed)
Actually I thought transfers here was one of Josh Donn's favorites... or maybe I'm misremembering. Anyway it lets you get two-level suit agreement quite a bit more often than otherwise.
1M-1X-2M-transfer (unobstructed)
Got this one from Noble and Mike Gill actually. Assuming you're willing to play 3M on all declined invitations here rather than 2NT, you can use this method to get out in 3-minor or to locate side suit values for an accurate invite, or to initiate a slam try in opener's major.
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2010-May-10, 20:01
awm, on May 10 2010, 08:58 PM, said:
Actually I thought transfers here was one of Josh Donn's favorites... or maybe I'm misremembering. Anyway it lets you get two-level suit agreement quite a bit more often than otherwise.
I forgot that one. The most important thing about transfers here is the cheapest bid should also include balanced hands, so 1♠ 2♦ 2♥ is balanced or 6+ spades, etc. Btw no reason to limit to 2♣, you can do it after 1M 2♦ also.
In fact (brainstorming outloud) why not after 1♦ 2♣ as well? There might need to be a little rearranging but it could be very helpful on a traditionally difficult auction.
Posted 2010-May-10, 20:47
I thought someone mentioned that playing Ambra style transfers aren't GCC kosher, i.e.,
1♦ - (1♠) - 2♣ -> transfer to ♦s
isn't allowed..
Posted 2010-May-10, 22:10
(1Y) 2X (2Y) ?
Starting with 2N where Y is a bigger suit than X.
Also, transfers after transfers after a 1N opener.
Posted 2010-May-10, 23:20
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2010-May-11, 00:39
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2010-May-11, 00:42
They might work in response to a takeout double but I don't have any experience there.
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2010-May-11, 00:44
1NT-2♦-2♥-2NT+ = transfer
1NT-2♥-2♠-2NT+ = transfer
Or are they not popular/good enough?
Posted 2010-May-11, 01:27
after 1m opening and jumps to 2 level as well starting with cuebid-1=ask for stopper
after 1m opening and 1 level overcall 3 levels are transfers as well, cuebid -1= stopper? and in both cases 3sp=>3NT
with my father I play transfers after doubles on our weak twos to be able to intodruce a new suit either natural or values with fit and have a constructive raise to 3M, don't know if thats better than standard...
then I play transfers after 2Cl opener (6+♣, no 4 Card major, 10-15)
hope I didnt forget some now

Posted 2010-May-11, 01:50
1♣-(DBL/1♦/1♥)-transfer starts with RDBL/DBL
1♦-(1♥)-DBL=transfer ♠
1x-(Pas)-1y-(Pas)-1NT-(Pas)-2♦ till 2NT transfer
(1x)-1Y-(pas)-Transfer advances
Posted 2010-May-11, 01:54
London UK
Posted 2010-May-11, 02:05
gordontd, on May 11 2010, 09:54 AM, said:
We play 1x-(p)-1NT-(p)-2♣ as artificial and inquiring to handle this.
Posted 2010-May-11, 05:29
1♦ - (1♥/1♠) - and now:
-dbl = transfer to ♠ (4+) after 1♥ and 4♥ after 1♠ (or 5♥ if 7-11)
-NT at any level is always natural
-1♠ is transfer to 1NT or ♣
-jumps to 3 level below overcaller suit are natural and inviting
-all other bids are transfers, if there is space they are weak/GF
-transfer to opponent suit is ask for stopper
For example:
1♦ - 1♥ - 2♠ = transfer to ♣ weak or GF (3♣ would be invite)
1♦ - 1♥ - 2♥ = transfer to 6+♠ weak or GF
We play the same idea after polish 1♣, transfer are used after 1♦/1♥/1♠ overcalls.
After 1NT overcall we play 2♣ majors, rest natural but I guess playing transfers here is good as well (we don't like losing ♦ suit)
We got those ideas from Martens' ebook.
Posted 2010-May-11, 07:24
Namyats 3NT openings: 3NT-4♣ asks to transfer the Major
2NT structures:
3♠ = transfer to 3NT (to play or strong minor 2-suiter)
3NT = transfer ♣
4♣ = transfer ♦
(or you can swap 3NT and 3♠ if you prefer to have 3NT natural and give up on minor 2-suiters/♣ 1-suiter)
Some play:
1m-2♦ = weak or GF with 6+♥
1m-2♥ = weak or GF with 6+♠
If opps intervene with 1♠ (it's more like a swap instead of transfer). Example 1♦-1♠-?
2♣ = ♥ (can be wider range)
2♥ = ♣ (strong)
And another swap:
1♠-2♦ = ♥
1♠-2♥ = ♦
Posted 2010-May-11, 08:20
1♦ (1♥) transfer (playing something like double 4-5 spades, 1♠ 0-3)
Posted 2010-May-11, 08:22
I suppose another common G/B auction could use them as well:
1x -(pass or 1y) - 1z - (2y)
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2010-May-11, 09:13
jdonn emphasis mine said:
huh? What forum did you post in?

George Carlin