Scoring: IMP
Bidding (precision)
1♣ - 1♦
2♥* - 2♠**
3♠ - 4♣
2♥ was Kokish relay
3♠ sets ♠ as trumps
4♣ was cuebid
We are not sure what is the best way to show some values after 3♠. Is this a good idea to play some kind of control showing bid here (like 3NT = A/2K, cuebids with kings) or just plain cuebids ?
Here opener is likely to face no play slam oppostie something like :
xx xxxx xxx Kxxx which looks to be most likely hand. On the other hand he has grand slam opposite:
kxx xxxx xx Kxxx
Any ideas how to solve it ? On our table it went 4♠ by opener 6♠ by responder on the basis that slam has to have some play with 3card support and stiff ♦.
2nd hand:
Scoring: IMP
1♣ - 1♦
2♥ - 2♠
3♣ - 3♥ (??)
4♣ - 5♣
6♣ passes
5♣ denied cuebid anywhere (ok ?).
6♦ is claim at trick 1 basically while 6♣ is below average slam.
Here we have completely no idea how to bid it. Any ideas about bidding after this 2♥ relay. It seems that it's very difficult to get any precision there...